Essay writing competition thread

That’s not the issue, the issue is solely the volume of greenhouse gases we continue to release into the atmosphere. It’s increasingly at an alarming rate as the developing world has industrialized. In reality, efforts at reduction by the US and Europe are becoming irrelevant. China for example pays lip service to climate change, but in reality they don’t give a shit.


I think we can now summarize the worldview of the PC snowflake based on this thread and the Marine Le Pen thread.

Hateful graffiti is the greatest human rights problem facing humanity, as people have been known to die horrible deaths viewing it.

Stoning women to death for not wearing a hijab is simply an unfortunate side effect of respecting culture. When in Rome, etc.

Got it.


Population shouldn’t come into consideration at all?

The Liberals don’t like it up em, mate.


I would class the way he belittled and avoided the question that Jewish reporter asked at the press conference about the nearly 70 bomb threats, and the way he berated the reporter himself, as clearly anti-semitic.

I would class the way he stereotyped Jews during this speech as anti-semitic.

I would class the use of the slogan “America First” as anti-semitic, given its very well known anti-semitic connotations.

I certainly class this tweet as anti-semitic.

Trump has twice retweeted a blatantly anti-semitic Twitter account called @WhiteGenocideTM.

I class Trump’s proposed downgrading of white supremacism as a terrorist threat to be anti-semitic.

The only population statistic that matters is the number of humans on the planet and how much CO2 they produce by burning fossil fuels. We’ve known about global warming due to human activity since the early 20th century, although it wasn’t widely known until 1995. During the 20th century, human population grew by 280% and CO2 emissions increased by 1160%.

The rate of emission increase has slowed in recent years as the US and Europe switched from coal to natural gas for power generation. That’s what makes Trump’s proposals to revive the coal industry so stupid. China, which is now at 30% of total emissions, needs to do the same as the US and Europe have done, but they are hugely dependent on coal.

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Your worldview can be summed up as follows:

“As long as “liberals” are against something, I’m for it, if they’re for it, I’m agin it.”

Your whole worldview is shaped by a hatred of “liberals”.

Like so many Trumpbots, you don’t actually have any real opinions of your own.

You merely see or invent a straw man position as regards what you think “liberals” support or are against, and then froth at the mouth like a demented demagogue taking whichever position you think these “liberals” are against.

It’s a truly bizarre worldview.

Should people in the US be allowed create more emissions than people in India and China?


I’m much more of a liberal than you are mate.

You support the subjugation of women in strict Muslim countries because it is their “culture”, because you know 7th century culture that treats women as slaves should be perfectly aceptable. I’m certainly against one pseudo-liberal cause, campaigning for Muslim women in the west to wear niqabs, while remaining silent on the appalling human rights violations against women in Muslim societies worldwide.

You’re a bullshit artist mate.


Fact: US Republican supporters emit 15% of all global greenhouse gases. They’re full of shit.

I have you completely tied up in knots.

So much so that you’ve just gone and ascribed a completely invented straw man position to me, in the exact manner that I described you doing in my previous post.

You are a walking stereotype and it’s hilarious to watch you continually embarrassing yourself.

Your inability to not see the point being made is staggering.

If we are (and it’s a big if) going to reduce greenhouse emissions to stop or reverse global warming, we have to as the first priority stop burning coal and convert to cleaner energy sources. The US and Europe have been doing that. China has been doing the opposite and has raced ahead to #1 in emissions, due to their almost total dependence on coal.

Because only Republican voters use fossil fuels. What an idiot.
How much power do you think your average Hollywood liberal uses to heat their 50,000 sq ft home and Olympic sized swimming pool in Malibu. While screaming about global warming of course

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Clearly you don’t understand the meaning of a straw man argument either.

You just called Marine le Pen a hypocrite for refusing to wear a hijab, when in fact she is standing up for women’s rights against those who regard women as slaves. Can you point me to the outrage you expressed when Michelle Obama refused to wear a jijab?


Only Republican voters vote for a candidate that calls global warming “a hoax” “created by and for the Chinese”, is a shill for the fossil fuel industry and appoints climate change deniers to key government positions and advisory roles.

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I understand exactly what a straw man argument is, thanks very much.

I called Marine Le Pen a hypocrite for going to another person’s country, arranging a meeting with them, knowing what their culture is, and then refusing to abide by that culture.

Which is the exact thing she accuses Muslim expats in France of doing.

Therefore she is a hypocrite.

I also specifically stated that I was making no value judgements on any culture while pointing that out.

Why on earth would I be outraged at Michelle Obama not wearing a headscarf, or Angela Merkel, Laura Bush or Condoleezza Rice doing similar?

Are you standing at the end of an airport runway while writing all this, by any chance? Because there are a hell of a lot of things flying straight over your head.

I thought you said women are allowed whatever they like in Lebanon? If their culture is to allow women dress as they like, why was she handed a scarf?

Le Pen would only be a hypocrite as you suggest if the two cultures were remotely equivalent. They are not. A 7th century culture based on treating women as slaves (and punishing them if they disobey) is not equivalent to an enlightened and hard fought for western culture where women are treated as equals. Time for pseudo-liberals like yourself to get the distinction.

Grand. But my question for you was: Should people in the US be allowed create more emissions than people in India and China?