Annoying Office Jargon - Part III

Sums up everything that’s wrong with Ireland that.

Spinelessness - he can’t be arsed acting on it.
Pretentiousness - the fact that he would use such a line, and of course the rugby reference.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Sums up everything that’s wrong with Ireland that.

Thats a bit of a stretch there Farmer. How does it explain the drug problem?

You know what I mean…

Spinelessness - Could be used to describe the gutless people who don’t know how to say no to drugs! If everyone said no to drugs there’d be no problemo!

Because some offices close at 1700!


Well if you are in an office that closes at 5 then fooking say 5

Or if you are in one that closes at half 5 then fooking say half 5

Everybody should know when their office closes…

Close of business me hole…

My office never closes.

Good for you.

Yes it is, indeed. Zoink

I’ll do my own thing!

Alright stu? From where do you hail?

Here’s another one - when someone asks themselves a question and answers it to reinforce a point. Guy I was talking to is just back from Poland where we’re looking at setting up an office -

“Would I ever go to Poland on holidays? Probably not”

“Will we open up an office there? More than likely”

Why not just tell me you wouldnt go on holidays in Poland rather than asking yourself a question you fool.

One of the lads i work with is a walking office jargon machine. He often tries to combine a number of difference phrases which leaves me quite speechless. Something like “We have to make sure that we’re all singing off the same hymnsheet because when the shit hits the fan we don’t want ot be the ones left holding the baby” will have me in stitches for hours

[quote=“Mac”]Here’s another one - when someone asks themselves a question and answers it to reinforce a point. Guy I was talking to is just back from Poland where we’re looking at setting up an office -

“Would I ever go to Poland on holidays? Probably not”

“Will we open up an office there? More than likely”

Why not just tell me you wouldnt go on holidays in Poland rather than asking yourself a question you fool.[/quote]

Yeah - I know what you mean Mac

‘Was I pissed off at the time? Yes’

‘Am I pissed off now? Not really’

was one I heard…

Had a meeting about a team restructure earlier. The boss isn’t sure how it’ll work but ‘we’re just going to suck it and see for a couple of months’. Personally, I’m apprehensive.

“I just want to give you a heads-up on the issue of your pay rise”


I suppose I am just concerned about the size of margin…

You are concerned are you? Do you like awake at night being concerned?

Just come out and say that the margin is shit…

Not so much office jargon but worth a mention. Am flying to France at 6.30 on Wednesday morning and the FD just stopped me and asked me would I be willing to share a lift to the airport with someone else cos “we’d only have to pay for 1 car parking slot”. Get out ta fook.

things would be pretty boring though- can you not accept that some drugs are good & that other drugs taken now & again are good & that people who do drugs are good