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@Loko_Cove had an awful ankle problem that used to flare up if the weather got too hot…or too wet.


I still find it very hard to differentiate between you & @Loko_Cove

I’m the emigrant, he’s the immigrant.

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I’d say she had to put a bit of ice on more then your bidon , you dirty auld dog😉


That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me

True. I was in nether Alderley. Not a shop for three miles, and I couldn’t wait three miles.

You could have been dead if you’d waited the three miles to town. Good decision out of you. What is a halter top by the way?

I was a 9 here yesterday it was uncomfortably hot.

You must cycle through some sort of fantasy land. You only ever meet hot women when you’re cycling.


I meet lots of people. Not much point reporting encounters with regular people, sandal wearing audaxers or shaven legged weirdos though.

Why wouldn’t you ask for water from a house?
I was hot bothered tired and thirsty.
The front door was open and there was a toddler on a trike on the front carpark place. It’s not like it was 3am.

he has some imagination to be fair to him


In fairness he has dreamt up the best pretend life on tfk, the flash lifestyle on the mainland, the fast cars, motorbikes, the cycling and the swimming, the site in Galway, the kids that are Galway fans. You literally could not make it up

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Flatty is the real deal.


I read it three times wonder what did it matter what sort of plants she was carrying, then I figured it out. Its that sort of day.

If she’d been carrying plants,they would have been hot.

The mainland is a depressing dreary shithole mate. I work a day a week in Rochdale ffs. I don’t really like england that much and find anyone in Ireland thinking it is a good place to live a bit odd.
Having said that, I work in around the peak District south of Manchester 3 days a week, and am.much happier now I get to see a few fields and bayshtes most days.

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he has a good few ejjit going alright

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I went into a managerial role towards the end of my illustrious career