Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

I’ve just finished a savage meal. A creation that will never be made again. Red onion, celery, tomatoes and sweet potato diced and cooked with a tonne of garlic in red pesto, the juice from a roast chicken and some red curry paste and some hot sauce I got as a present from mexico. Once cooked, I threw in some cheese, pasta and chicken, stirred that motherfucker and it was delicious. Raging I went for a smallish portion.*

*possibly a normal portion for others.

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Sauce for a roaster

G’way, you’ll be dying for it after subsisting on squarehead stew with the last while

What in the name of all good fuck is that?

Dinner last night - beef cheeks, slow cooked for 8 hours with a variety of vegetables, glass of shiraz and a cut of sour dough bread. Unrael.

What’s the juice with this beef cheeks shit, pal? It’s all the rage in Dublin these last 18 months but never heard of it before then. Is it tasty cheap meat or shit de jour expensive meat?

FAO of the forum I had a cheese burger, 2 chicken wings, 3 ribs, half a pork chop and approx 8 beers at an impromptu BBQ tonight. 9 thumbs up.


It’s an inexpensive cut, but de fucking licious when cooked appropriately, perfect for the slow cooker at the moment in this freezing Sydney weather, probably not great for the balmy Irish climate at present.

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Spuds are a proud British import, from far far away

It looks muck ffs

Go to a good butcher and ask him for the cheeks, it’s unlikely he’ll have them in the shop but will be able to put them aside for you, lots of restaurants will take them. They’re not a pretty sight, not dissimilar to heart, after long slow cooking in liquid they are amazing, great beefy flavour and shreds finely,
Cheap as chips as well.

That’s good atin’

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So disgusting a butcher won’t even have it in the shop? No thanks, bro.

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It’s a cheap as shit cut, that restaurants charge hipsters a fortune for. Win win for everybody, restaurant makes a good profit, hipsters get mugged off, stuff that was going into dog food before is now being eaten by humans.
I can’t wait until crubeens get cool. I’ll be all over that shit.


Every fucking place you go into in Dublin has it now for about 18 euro. The worst thing is some places which have a small menu with maybe 3 or 4 mains on it have this shitty option on it.

The profit margin must be unrale. The butchers must be laughing their holes off

You literally could not make it up,

No wonder Noel O’Connor is called “The Happy Butcher”

Noel is sound


I’m gone mad on baked spuds lads. They are a real superfood