
Sefik in there does the best Baklava I have ever had, probably not popular with the health conscious TFK royalty but if you’re going to have a treat you might as well have the very best.

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Make your own. You won’t bate it. I make a batch that would cost €30 easily and the ingredients come in at just over a tenner. Lasts me over 2 weeks.

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Have you the recipe?

Sunday roast to celebrate the return of the prodigal son


Indeed and I have. I never measure, but if it’s your first time pal I’ll root a good one out for you. Will post later.

In the meantime, if you’re shopping get nuts (choose one / two / all of hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts), sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, golden linseeds, honey, jumbo oats, olive oil, juicy raisins (california raisins - not those scrawny fucks that some places sell).

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125ml olive oil (not extra virgin), 125ml honey, 1 tsp good quality vanilla extract (not essence), 500g organic jumbo oats, 50g roughly chopped pecan nuts, 150g roughly chopped hazelnuts, 75g pumpkin seeds, 75g sunflower seeds, 50g golden linseeds, 100g desiccated coconut, 300g dried fruit such as california raisins, sultanas, prunes (chopped), etc. or a mixture of all.

  1. Preheat the oven to 170C.
  2. Place the oil, honey and vanilla extract in a small saucepan on a low heat and gently heat. Mix the oats, nuts, seeds and desiccated coconut together in a large bowl. Pour over the oil and honey mixture and stir really well to ensure all the dry ingredients are evenly coated.
  3. Divide the mixture between two large baking trays and spread in an even layer. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, taking out the trays every 5 minutes to give the mix a good stir, until golden brown. The trick here is toasted not roasted.
  4. Remove from the oven and leave to cool on the trays, stirring every now and then.
  5. When, and only when, completely cool, transfer to a large bowl and stir in the dried fruit.
  6. Pour into an airtight container and store.

That looks unreal. I’m ravenous looking at it and I’d the dinner at the mothers house earlier and all. [quote=“Tassotti, post:13321, topic:7643, full:true”]
Sunday roast to celebrate the return of the prodigal son


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I haven’t ate since, unreal it was

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You love the auld pepper Tassy. A real Irish dinner if ever I saw one :clap:

christ @Turenne, that’s a disgusting post
chinks are horrible cunts, imagine the smell of that slop

I polished off half of a large tub of sour cream and onion pringles there. I lost control of myself once i’d started.

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I look forward to the diarrhoea thread being updated in about 3 hours time.

Have you made the granola yet? It’s a great snack with a dollop of organic natural yoghurt.

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I haven’t. I’ll buy all the ingredients on Saturday. Thanks for posting up that recipe. I look forward to opening a new chapter in my life involving homemade granola.

You could mix a few boxes of Pringles in when its all ready to go, game changer I’d say. Like the fat bird in supermacs ordering a diet coke with her half pounder meal.


Unreal a feast fit for a king


Fucking hell. I can only do half of it in one sitting. Stuffed

Good atin kid.

Off work today so I’ve marinated and then sealed a big piece of brisket, popped it in a dutch oven sitting on a half bottle of red(around 120) where it will stay for the next six hours or so, will be serving with buttery mash, roast cauliflower and buttered spinach. I have a lot of sweet potato so I may incorporate that as well.
Might pop up a picture of the meat later.


Dutch oven, a picture of your meat, are you sure you’re on the right forum?