Rugby World Cup 2015

One of the English players doesnt even know the rules of the game apparently… He was dismayed England got a bonus point for scoring 4 tries… Who could blame him I suppose it is such a ridiculous concept.

I think England should be fucked out of the tournament. Now I wouldnt admit to being fashion orientated but fuck me I wouldnt wear that jersey emptying the fucking bins

Shur the block headed cunt isnt even English.


Farrell or Ford?

Full house in Cardiff. The Blarney Army are out in force.


Daddy’s boy vs Daddy’s boy. Pressure on ROG’s apprentice however.

Even game so far

Are you on crack?

Do you think I’m really watching that shite?

The Canadians are holding their own at the breakdown but Ireland are stretching them across the field :grin:

Are you on crack?

Need to commit the final man a bit more before playing the pass though. The brave Moyross man was sold short there by that cunt from Louth

Would you fuck off…I’m not even watching this and you can call the commentary…

Hendos gone over there now. Ireland are gonna pummel these Mountie cunts

In football terms, how would these teams match up? Someone like Italy or Spain v UAE?

More like England v’s Gilbraltar

That even?

Kearnivorous Dex goes over and the bonus is secured. Job done. Move on.

Canada has a Rugby team?
Who knew.