Things I learned today (Part 1)

Paulo Tullio and Chris Dr Burgh were brothers in law

Frank McGlynn played up front with Wayne Rooney for the Everton youth team.

The history of and general information pertaining to, Sealand. It took further research than the journals as to be expected shoddy article.

I have to admit I was skeptical when someone told me this today, so I had to go look it up to confirm.

There are no Protestants on the US Supreme Court…

6 Catholics (Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Sotomayor) and 3 Jews (Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan )

Proper order.

I am entitled to rent relief for last year even though I moved house. Had been claiming it until then but I had mistakenly thought that as I had entered into the lease post the 2010 cut off I was out of luck. Turns out once you were renting before the cut off it doesn’t matter if you move. Like finding €160 in an old pair of jeans :pint:

Former Examiner hurling correspondent Diarmuid O’Flynn works as an assistant to Luke “Ming” Flanagan MEP. Ming is great value on twitter and Facebook and seems to be working his balls off over in Brussels. Totally ignored by the mainstream media.

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I’ve been renting the same place since 2009 and went to claim rent allowance a few months ago but the Revenue site said I was already doing so. Is this possible? Pretty sure I hadn’t been claiming it as I had an “agreement” with my landlord.

How do I claim this Julio?

Hasn’t he the worst attendance record over there? Maybe my sarcasm radar is off. O’Flynn is some man. Do they still march every week down in that small town in Cork?

You have to be renting since pre Dec 2010. Then you just do it on the revenue online site. Need your landlords PPS and address but other than that it’s simple. If you’ve never claimed it and are entitled there’d be 5 years worth coming your way which would be a nice chunk as it used to be worth more going back 200 in 2013, 240 in 2012, 280 in 2011 etc.
All renters are entitled to it as well so yourself & the missus if you have one could claim. It’s also worth more to married people in one of those bizarre tax breaks.

If you are renting accommodation privately (whether in Ireland or outside the State) and pay income tax, you may be eligible for tax relief on part of your rent. You can only claim this relief if you were already renting at 7 December 2010. If you were not renting on that date and you subsequently entered into a rental agreement, you will not be able to claim tax relief on your rent. However, if you were renting at 7 December 2010 you will continue to qualify for this relief even if you enter a different rental agreement after that date. The relief is being phased out and 2017 will be its last year.

*Only the rent for private rented accommodation that you use as your sole or main residence will qualify for tax relief. This includes flats, apartments and houses.*

*You cannot claim tax relief for rent paid to a local authority or a State agency, or for rent paid under a lease agreement for 50 years or more.*

Ask revenue mate, they are very handy deal with, most people are afraid to ring them in case they end up paying more tax or something.
AFAIK you have to submit the claim online and annually in arrears so I don’t think you wouldn’t know you had been claiming it.


Actually what year did you try and claim it for?

That was a nasty and mischievous newspaper article that garnered publicity at the time. It was based on a small sample size shortly after he was elected and his absence was because his wife was sick. His attendance rate over the piece since he was elected is 80%.

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That’s a clamping.

Buttevant, the home of the steeplechase, is only a village.

Is it not Ballyhea?

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yeah you are right actually. Ballyhea is even smaller. Just there outside Charleville.

Is that not fine Protestant country down around there?