Things that annoy you about Ireland

Exhibit A

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The quisling, servile, love us - aren’t we great craic nature of the Oirish.


roasters, gombeens, backwards way of doing things, boot cut jeans and brown shoes still in fashion, shit weather, savage alcoholism a part of everyday life, chronic public services,


The woeful teaching of mathematics outside of the best schools.

A gentleman would offer it to a lady regardless of age.

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Bogger accents that change every few miles down the road… Noone knows what half the country is saying

The way the current generation have turned their back on the Catholic Church.


Our abuse of the Queen’s English is criminal.

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Would need to increase taxes for that level of distribution of resources. Can’t have it both ways.

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The horse racing crowd.


Smartalleckism really disappoints me. Ever so much more prevalent these days with so much nepotism going on.

Donald trump. That fucking episode.


See cunt of the year thread

I was going to post summary along those lines. Rockos original post is bang on though. The Irish tend to worship mammon to his face, whilst trying to drag him down behind his back.

@glasagusban and their ilk who no longer place any value on looking after their local community. Pricks


Women drivers.

Moaning cunts who believe the State should look out for lazy layabouts.

Childcare prices.

The Garda traffic corps


Care for your own child you lazy layabout cunt


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