US Election result hub 2016

Clinton won this once Sanders was beaten,go to bed.

Good man smedley .

Fox saying Georgia is in play according to their data. Clinton has been consistently close in polls here.

We’ll find out soon enough.

Trump wins Georgia with an unimpressive margin.

Too early to call in SC? da fuq?

Virginia “too early to call” - that’s code for Clinton wins it.

Georgia and South Carolina not called. Both very bad omens for Trump.

CNN is gas :joy:

A big ‘Key Race Alert’ graphic popped up to inform us that it was still too early to call in all three states they were discussing.

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Virginia not being called is a small worry for Hillz.

Georgia and SC not being called as the polls close is newsworthy.

It’s going to be an early night

It was still hilarious. Like something you’d see on South Park.

Trump is marginally ahead in Florida and Ohio…:grin:

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Fox called her as having a lead here but it was “too early to call”. That’s different from “too close to call”.

“Over to John King at the magic wall”.

Who’s best placed now?

Georgia exit poll: Trump 48 Clinton 47 according to Sky News.

It’s very fluid at the moment

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Based on everything I’ve read about the demographics of the Florida vote so far, as well as the figures from Georgia, my feeling is that Clinton will take it.

Trump doing better then expected…silent awkard voters coming out in their droves.

Hard to get unbiased opinion though…early doors.

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CBS say 50-45 the lead for Lady Underhill in Virginia. Robert E Lee will roll over in the grave tonight if that’s actual😡

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