US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

So you’ve reverted back to thinking Trump has a chance again, mate?

It’s a stunning testament to Hilary that you can still get odds on her.

If hillary got bumped off somehow, kaine would saunter into the white house,people hate hillary she’s a cunt,trump is the only thing keeping her in this

Donald Trump is going to be the next President of the United States of America.


Of course he has a chance. Both candidates are deeply unpopular, but Clinton’s unfavorability ratings are rising. Turnout is likely to be the lowest in history, which could result in some traditional state outcomes not being so predictable.

Clinton has been spending all her time fundraising (she is in SF again this weekend for a $10k a head event), so her strategy will be to bombard the airwaves with attack ads. The question is will that help her as she is already regarded as a pathological liar. Most of the people I know who are stanch Democrats are pretty disgusted by her, they wouldn’t vote for Trump but they might not vote for her either.

As close as the polls are now, the debates will be decisive. They will also be the most watched in history, as there is genuine interest in which of them will have a mental breakdown on stage. Although Clinton is a good debater, she is not comfortable answering tough questions. She hasn’t held a press conference for 273 days, an incredible statistic for someone running for president.

Still a TAP IN for Hillz.

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If she doesn’t TAP OUT during the debates.

The Clintons are taking back the big house.

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Man, you are really trying hard to wish her to lose.

She would have to pull out a bag of kittens during the debates and slowly bite the head off of each one to lose this election.

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The thought of her as president is actually scarier than Trump. She is a totally incompetent hawk, a very dangerous combination. For all his bluster, Trump would likely be a non interventionist on foreign policy and focus his efforts on the domestic front.


trump would be the lesser of two evils. if that little bitch gets in…

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Big Willies gonna be boring in the Oval all over again. Yurt.

Those two statements blatantly contradict each other.

The exact same thing was said about George W. Bush. “Republican isolationism” is one of the stupidest phrases ever invented.

I’m intrigued as to your reasoning for saying that Trump would be non-interventionist, because the evidence suggests exactly the opposite.

There’s no contradiction. Just because there is huge interest in the debates doesn’t mean you can correlate that to turnout. In fact, the debates may turn more people against voting, if the level of negativity is as high as anticipated.

On foreign policy, we know where Hillary stands based on her voting record as a senator and her time as secretary of state. Her history is that of an incompetent meddler (Egypt, Libya, Syria). With Trump all we have is his one major foreign policy speech where he is equally critical of Republican and Democratic actions in the past.

I would be interested to hear why you think he would be more interventionist than Hillary. His rhetoric of putting America first suggests the opposite. The regime changes and attempted nation building in the ME has been a complete failure under both Bush and Obama.

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Thats noon GMT for you non Americans.

Clinton 244, Trump 126, with 168 EC votes in play

Where’s the surprise?

Texas going by the article.

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Hilary is strong in Texas and Georgia.

And given the way the Trump supporters here talk, it will come as quite a surprise that Clinton is walking away with it.

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Hillary is red today on oddschecker. 2/5 & 5/11 available.

She is 8/1 for Texas.
Powers have 8/15 for Florida which looks a winner for on voting pattern and population.