US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

USA is not a democracy mate, it’s a federal Republic. Subtle, but very important distinction.

Aboy Bill, what a man.

Bill knocked it out of the park.
Some speaker in fairness. Few can combine the down home aw shucks good 'ol boy demeanour with the an articulate sharp intellect like he does.


Nice one Donald Trump, stealing the spotlight from the dems and embarrassing Hillary :+1:

He really is a gas man.

What’s he at now?

Barack Obama is speaking later and is going to focus some of the speech on Donald Trump.

Donald is going to have a lot of fun with this campaign, hillary’s record will give him lots of opportunities

Jesus he’s some lad. Reminds me of J. R. in Dallas

One could only imagine the reaction had Hillary Clinton or anybody else publicly called on a foreign government to hack a political opponent’s emails and compromise US national security at the same time.


Could Hillary be the next Charlie Haughley?

Despised by political opponents who said they would go to jail, constantly maintained them to be a political liability and yet still kept winning elections?

I’ll take that as a yes so


The dems are obsessed with Donald Trump, they speak of him more often than they speak of their own party nominee.

Donald Trump is loving this :+1:

The Dems can’t take a joke. Usually the satire all goes one way as so many Republicans just leave themselves open to it, but HRC is a goldmine. The key for it to work is for there to be a nugget of truth in there and that’s why they don’t like it. WHERE are the emails? Try to deflect with some nonsense about Donald and Russia and expect to be hit back.

Trump makes a joke about hillarys email issue, the dems are again on the back foot and are saying its a national security issue, and all the while they ignore the real national security issue of Hilary’s email server.

Trump is getting a lot of free publicity out of this. It will be very funny to see what he comes up with tomorrow before Hillary takes to the stage :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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It’s no surprise that Shillaryites Sid and Fitzy are in here crying over some japery.

I know they say that no publicity is bad publicity,but this is bad publicity,it’s almost like he’s trying to lose,but hillary could be running against a ham sandwich and still be neck and neck that’s how much she’s hated,as I said before this election was a tap in for the republicans and they’ve fucked up good and proper

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It’s only a big deal in that social media echo chamber of liberals you hang out in.

I remember when Donald was “finished” for calling many immigrants racists and criminals.
I remember when Donald was “finished” for saying ban Muslins
I remember when Donald was “finished” after John Oliver did a hit piece on him

So Donald Trump is now apparently “finished” for making a joke about Hillary Clinton’s national security failures and the ludicrous attempts to connect him to the DNC leak. FFS sake. :rollseyes: