The bail laws.
The dock road.
How’ya loveen.
Stone walls
Caustic old men in pubs with great “put downs”
Caustic young men on Internet forums with great “put downs”.
Sure I’m only mighty.
The main dish in the region of Galicia, brought to our shores by emigrants, predominantly settling in the west of Ireland. They also brought the Connemara pony and handball.
And rode like fuck around Galway giving us the dark sultry beauties .
I was always of the opinion that the gene pool went the other way. The Irish taken as slaves by the Spanish (Galicians), with of course the odd Spaniard shipwrecked and washed ashore. Also stories of a Native American being washed ashore many moons ago.
The genetics department in Trinity claim after considerable research that the Spanish gene is quite prevalent along the western seaboard. There was a huge amount of interaction and trade between the two places 5-600 years ago and the main port was Galway city.
What the fuck have you been at all? Native Americans just washing up ashore like something out of the twilight zone? Galician pirates riding our women and enslaving them to make proper bacon and cabbage? You’re off your rocker, kid.
Since when did this change to the game of thrones thread
The quality of the light in the west.
The Sport of Kings thread
Red headed women.