2016 Ulster Senior Football Championsip - Its happening again

Tyrone are in severe danger of becoming liked again if this continues. Mickey will have to reign them back in at half time.

Vintage Ulster Championship fare so far.

No 65 metre lines…check.
Moderately attractive girl and faulty public address system for the anthem…check.
Savage football…check.

Brilliant score from Lynch.

All scores of the highest quality.

Another quality score this time from Derry :eek:

Ah here.

Kielt with another screamer.

Another monster score

If this match was a food processor, it would be a Nutri-Bullet.


Ah lads… Simply stunning scoring so far.

This is ridiculous so far.

None of the those points scored are easy…incredible quality so far from both teams.

Very soft free there for Derry.

Hon Derry

Another beaut

Kielt. :clap:

O’Neill is really motoring.

Soft enough free there for Tyrone.

McCurry will be in for Bradley here.

That rain would want to fuck off.

Wipe the fucking camera FFS