2016 Ulster Senior Football Championsip - Its happening again

Lovely score there

Armagh need to get a grip from the kickouts now. All Cavan since the 10th minute. 5 points in a row now.

Armagh can’t win a kickout.

Gavin McParland is a talented forward. Armagh haven’t got him into the game so far.

Armagh goalie not wearing gloves.

Morgan the Armagh corner back has an awful sneery looking head on him

Sean Johnston and James Morgan both yellow carded. What a surprise. :smiley:

Decent game so far. Cavan far more positive.

Two cracking points off his weaker foot from McKiernan. One of the best midfielders in the game.

Shocking defending from Armagh.

That could be it.

Goal for the cavan boyos

Corner back caught out by bouncing ball. :grin:

really enjoyable game

Armagh look a poor side. Kick straight long punts into the full forward line. Poorly coached/set up

Haven’t seen an Armagh man beaten by the bouncy like that since Robert Hamill.

Lucky enough with Mackey’s pass bouncing over the defender’s head but well worked after that for the goal. McKiernan has been very influential so far - he’s a classy player.

Another great point from McKiernan.

Cavan look far fitter than their opponents. WTF is the Armagh GK at?

Armagh playing fly goalie.


Niall Morgan eat your heart out.