2016 Ulster Senior Football Championsip - Its happening again

Nah. Waste of time. There is no secrecy, might as well be upfront.

Keep it secret and the word may not reach some of the right people.

The GAA is set up so a CB rep can go in to CB meeting and totally disregard what his club says. This way a player or grouos within clubs can voice their opinion and can cause problems if their voice is not heard.

Now that doesn’t even stop CB delegares going in and not representing their club truthfully. Our club voted for the players in the strikes, yet our rep went in and abstained.

So all out attack, use social media, gather a storm, is the way to go.

We’ll see.

It may fail regardless. But the cloak and dagger is exactly what these lads are trying to theow out.

Competitive games are only an advantage if you win them.

When you have to play more tougher game then you run a higher risk of being eliminated. Only 5 counties have beaten Kerry in knockout Championship football since 2002 and 4 of them have been Ulster teams.

Oh sweet jesus.

What do you disagree with?

Specify, in bullet points, what exactly you disagree with.

Competitive games are only of benefit if you win them.


Genuinely laughed out loud reading that.

Everything else becomes irrelevant after that.

You’re out of the Championship otherwise.



That’s what you call a wuss-out, typical Kev reaction when I ensnare him into a corner.

Not if you lose in the “extremely difficult” Ulster Championship you are not. Which is what you painfully refer to ALL the time. You claim more games is a hindrance. The vast majority of players and coaches see it as a distinct advantage.

JOC has said in the past the qualifier run they had in the 2000’s made that team and helped win them All Irelands.

Tyrone won an All Ireland thru the qualifiers. Cork did. Kerry did. It kinda makes all your arguments inconsistent and contradictory. Those 3 teams all played around the same or more games than Donegal to win All Ireland.

If you lose in the Ulster Championship you go into the qualifiers and you don’t want to be entering knockout football at an early stage.

Do you think Kerry would prefer being drawn away to an Ulster team in an early qualifying round than they would progress with ease to the last 8 through Munster?

I have just showed you how teams have prospers thru qualifiers.

The best get to the top, no matter what it takes.

Losers make excuses.

You are a loser.

I’ve made this similar point to you many times before:

Kerry won an All Ireland via the qualifier route in 09, they were on the brink of being knocked out by Sligo only for Sligo missed a penalty in injury time to put them in front.

Tyrone won an All Ireland in 08 through the backdoor, they were in big bother to Westmeath at home until Westmeath imploded and hand two men sent off in the space of minutes with 20 mins to go and scraped over the line.

Cork won an All Ireland in 2010 and scraped past Limerick in extra time when they were on the verge of being knocked.

Even in the examples you picked, all those teams were on the absolute brink of Championship elimination before the last 8 had even come around?

It’s not an advantage, it’s a path filled with risk and no manoeuvre for error.

I have shown you how those teams scraped through the qualifiers. You’re the one making excuses about the fallacy of competitive games being better, nobody wants a hard route to the final, they want the easy one. To suggest otherwise is retarded and you’re the one is hiding behind excuses. Through success or failure Ulster teams have to negotiate a tougher path.

What Jack O’Connor said was that Dublin’s two matches against Mayo were an advantage when it came to the All-Ireland final, which was a blinding case of stating the obvious.

Being able to coast through your provincial championship and an All-Ireland quarter-final, and then to get competitive football of the sort Dublin got against Mayo within a short window is clearly an advantage going into an All-Ireland final. Kerry’s two matches with Mayo in 2014 are a similar example.

That’s as opposed to having a route which requires you to peak in May and June just to win provincial championship matches, year after year.

I’m sure you can spot the difference and I’m sure you’ll also note that O’Connor made no reference to the Ulster championship.

So are the All Ireland 1/4’s, semis and finals.

Yet you want a free pass for a few teams because they kive in one corner of the country.

The answer is very simple, but ye want it everyway(this is typical we had a hard time go easy on us, give us stuff Ulster attitude). The answer is 4 groups of 8 in a regional league championship. Or 4 groups of 4 with 2 championships. Or 2 North & South groups of 8 in a league leading to play-offs. But all this is too far a stretch for the irish mind.

Whats happening now with proposals etc is the first stage of abolishing the out dated provincial championships. Many of the bosses in GAA would love to abolish them now. So would a huge majority of players (Ulster aside it seems, although i question the validity of players speaking for everyone) would dump them. Many in the GPA wanted them dumped but felt it just was not sellable to look for it now.

I accept Ulster is clearly dear to alot of people up there. But its the last one. Even the Munster hurling championship is done. They’ll bull shit on about it for another year or two, but its done. Its a hindrence now to winning the All Ireland. Thats universally accepted. It is rumoured they didn’t bother changing it due to more drastic changes coming down the road.

They serve no purpose. None. Its just irish fear not willing to dump them.

We have the easier system in the wirld in our faces. 32 teams. Its fucking perfect. But we’re idiots.

He won an All Ireland with very tough qualifer games early on.

I can tell you now, from a physically scientific POV, that this peaking early stuff is bullshit and only a cover for not being good enough.

What tough qualifier games early on?

Name them.