2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 1)

You know a game isnā€™t truly catching the imagination when the puns start.

My young lad has it and he loves it. Hasnā€™t seen any issues with how it moves. The players need to just get on with it.

And in Xhaka they have probably the most underrated influential player at the tournament. He is also a key reason as to why Arsenal are flying high at the moment. They gave Spain bags of it in Euros with 10 men and they will cause major problems for any team if they get through the group stages.

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Heā€™s a fucking idiot because, in reality, heā€™s actually talking about names rather than teams. He presumably wants Belgium to get there and they were a disgrace last night, miserable football.

Itā€™s a good game but Iā€™ve to watch with the sound off as Iā€™m on a call. Canā€™t fully invest in it but at least I canā€™t hear the John Kenny/Alan Cawley combo.

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Remember the jubilani

Like a two bob swerver youā€™d get in a pound shop.

Argentina were incredibly conservative too. Starting Paredes and de paul, going with 3 over 34 year olds behind lautoro. Papu Gomez and Di Maria were awful and Messi couldnā€™t get going

Outstanding goal saving tackle by the Swiss chap there.

All adds to the excitement and fucks over goalies. No bad thing.

Yeah, they could recover, and get through and, if they do, theyā€™ll deserve it. But nobody could actually want to see them play as poorly as that.

They might recover though, obviously Messi could potentially turn it on but they need more from the supporting cast. Correa from Atletico might be worth a shout.

Ireland is a third world country.

Third world means neutral/non aligned. Not developing.

What level would a Spain or England be at versus club sides. The international game seems a good level or two below Champions League.

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Correa, julian Alvarez at City.

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I think Di Maria is a necessary evil. He was shite the other day but heā€™s their only outball bar Messi

Switzerland need to bring on Seferovic. Heā€™ll miss a load of sitters but he will also cause a bit of havoc

Caemeroon are looking the better team here at the moment. They were extremely lucky to qualify at Algeriaā€™s expense and have done nothing in the World Cup since 1990. They look half decent here though.

Perhaps I have an irrational dislike of the Yakin brothers because of them messing Ireland up so much but I wouldnā€™t trust the Swiss under Murat Yakin as much as under the doughty stewardship of Vladimir Petkovic.

Akanji should have scored.

How in the fuck has he missed that. Thatā€™s shocking

Wow how did he miss that.

Anguissa is an absolute beast.