2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 1)

Thereā€™s a lot of untapped Football potential in Asia.

I ā€œhurledā€ on Liam Oā€™Neill one day. Iā€™d say he was 43 or 44 at the time and was far from the oldest lad on the Trumera team.
Beano probably still togs out does he?

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When you see Indian supporters of Brazil and Argentina fighting each other and hear about murders occurring during rows between supporters of Real Madrid and Barcelona in Cameroon, these are very encouraging signs for the growth of the game worldwide.

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If Cavani got a touch on that Nunez shot, keeper would have had no chance.

Korea struggling to hold the ball high up the pitch now.

I saw him in action at B level about 2 years ago, havent heard of him since. He wasnā€™t great there recently I believe. Its when you come up against Chris at Junior C for Kilcruise, thatā€™ll be the leveller.

Its coming lads. Uruguay have more in their bollocks here than the Koreans. The dog is in Uruguay.

Another 0-0 incoming cc @ChairmanDan.

The group stages of 2014 and 2018 definitely seemed better than this

Well that was shocking from Nunez.

Bentancur is a player though. Needs to drive on more.

Nunez :grinning:

Cavani has been better than Suarez.

Its like both teams happy to settle for a draw

Fucking classic Uruguayan steel there. Some fuckers to time a tackle.

Clement Turpin is a fantastic official.

The modern day Felix Brych.

Cracking hit from Valverde.


Uruguay havent been far off here at all. Its coming.

Fuck it, thought Son had it there.

Awful from the goalkeeper.

Weā€™re just feeling our way into the tournament in classic Irish - Native American fashion

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Fucking hell, keepers trying clearances off the outside of their boot must not be encouraged ever.