2022 FIFA World Cup (Part 1)

They could set up a penalty shoot out handy enough to decide in an hour or so


Oh my god

A sensational tackle!

Looked like a tap-in for Mexico

How did they nit score

See you’re watching BBC also.


France will bate Poland about 8-0 if they manage to hawk through this

A yard outside

if a fella got a red is that really bad for the fair play table?

Polish are fairly cowardly here. Hopefully a Mexican goal to knock them out.


Lozano hacked down on the edge of the box, desperate to get inside.

He’s been brilliant.

This is great stuff

Fuck off Martinez you donkey

Mexico made some balls of that free kick

to go out on yellow cards would be fairy lousy… someone score ta fuck

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Last two nights have been unrale


Worth 4 yellows I think.

Some card happy ref could make all the difference. Should come down to shots on target or something more positive.

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I make it that Mexico have had 7 yellow cards, Poland have had 6.

I make it that, but somebody else may find a different figure as I tend to miscalculate quite easily in these situations.

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Latauro fucking -2 backers in the ass with his low confidence Ray

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