2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

Just finished watching it back with the volume off and being very critical it was a good game but it wasn’t
A Classic.

There was an awful lot of mistakes and bad wides in it.

It actually reminded me of the 2018 final. Cork had to beat us about 3 times and we were coming back again at the end again.

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I’d guess about 65 mins, but knowing you, since you’re asking the question I’d say you know the answer and will be able to tell me.

Agree with that. Good game but not a classic. The atmosphere elevated the occasion. No 20k hangers on/neutrals that you’d generally get at a final.

Also @peddlerscross the Frank & Walters tune at full time was brilliant.

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I’m sure I’ll back something daft soon enough that will send me packing.


So you’ve been telling them all how you know better than the Cork management, and then you wonder why they wind you up :grinning:

What game were you watching? Hannon was moved out of 6 and and they doubled down on his wing when he went to 7.


I’m not sure. Thought it was even later. @BruidheanChaorthainn can you check it for me next time you watch it.

I was worried ref his discipline,I was wrong thankfully

Hoggie has had a great year. He was poor by his standards but still chipped in with two points from play.

He will start and deserves to start final on what he has done this year.


If he’s there, he has to be marked.

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Jesus this one hurts bad. I’m not really into the owe us nothing platitudes, etc. You live in the here and now, obviously in time you look back and say how incredible the past few years have been, but I was absolutely gutted driving home.

That said, I wouldn’t begrudge Cork an ounce. They fully deserved the win and as a spectacle it was one of the greatest sporting occasions I’ve been at. Their support was incredible. The noise when they got their first score was unreal, and it only built from there. Only negative on that, was some drunk Cork idiot roared in my young lad’s face “Why don’t Limerick fuck off home”. He was bawling crying over that and is adamant he’s going to go for Clare in final. I was trying to tell him if it had been Clare who’d beaten us they’d be far worse.

I’d be pessimistic enough about the next few years. Kiely will go, Kinnerk will go, and I’d imagine there could be at least 4 of panel gone. Even the younger lads have massive mileage put up and might want a year out etc. Limerick have driven teams to reach new levels, just like Kilkenny did, and a 5% fall back in performance could leave you behind the pack.

It has certainly blown things wide open again and you’d already be itching to see what next year will bring.


Careful what you say too many good men were sent missing

Ah sure of course i do, now that we dont have a dog in the fight for the rest of the year id rather cork win. Might as well be honest with them

He has had 1 decent game this year that was the limerick game in PUC, even at that ye were carrying him. Ye have another free taker now. Your free to disagree with me but i rather see ye win it

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This is the second time I’ve heard this since the final whistle yesterday. Why will the management team go? Too much commitment? Fair enough a few of the players, but would they not come back for one more year?

Theres always some gowls 99% were grand in fairness


I was told a few years back Kinnerk has ambitions to coach in a pro sports environment, potentially in the US if the opportunity arose. He probably felt he couldn’t leave a winning Limerick side, but his window to branch out, particularly abroad is closing if he has family etc.

Kiely has been involved in some capacity for a long time too so it wouldn’t be surprising if he felt he needed a break too.


It makes you sound a bit stoopid I’d say to your Cork buddies, like you know better than the Cork management how to beat Clare, and running down a great player on the back of a mediocre performance.

He’ll start the final because he deserves to

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I think we’ll be competitive but could equally see us missing out on Munster qualification. I don’t see many retirements immediately and I think the bulk of the team have another two good years in them, maybe more. I think we have a couple of really class players coming through that should start next start and should freshen things up enough to launch an assault for one more win in the next two or three years.

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Imagine the county board would have to go outside county if they needed replacements for kiely and Kinnerk. Will be a sad day when they go. They have hardly put a foot wrong in 8 years.

The split season works well in this regard, the IC is only 7 months with a 5 month break.