2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

Take the neutral POV if you want. That clare fb line can be exposed by running at them at pace and moving them about. Hoggie doesnt off that.

Sheffilin and Davy are available. Maybe donogue in 12 months

Pat Ryan has done a super job with Cork - Brian Hayes is a real gem that he unearthed.


Absolutely not.

Let’s imagine Kiely decided to take a break, and Kinnerk. Who could likely be a replacement for Limk mgmt?

Tom Ryan


Donal O Grady (Lk) for Kiely. Replacing Kinnerk is impossible.


Careful now, sounds like you got fairly attached to a bunch of lads you dont know :wink:

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Like a broken lawnmower

That was coming, I thought it would be one of the usual suspect dullards :man_shrugging:
I enjoy, love watching hurling, have done for well over 40 years, but my life will go on regardless, I’m no more content today than I was yesterday morning, and on my death bed I won’t be recalling it.
But I’ll enjoy some real life banter over the coming days, because that’s what inter county hurling means to me


Please be a shoulder for your son to cry on, as hearing that kind of invective can really hurt & linger if not worked through in the coming days. I’ve deep seated & unresolved issues from grown men/animals from Offaly yahooing & roaring at us as kids after the 1988 Leinster Final, a League Final in 1991 & even the last gasp Johnny Dooley goal in 1998 when I was a teen. This type of stuff can have a long lasting impact & I wouldn’t at all be surprised if your son takes to verbally abusing some fat golfer from Cork on social media in around 2049.


Only yanking your chain buddy, enjoy :ok_hand:

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His granny called this morning and all he could tell her was about how the Cork fans were shouting at him. Poor lad was in bits at the final whistle, he’s only 7 and wouldn’t be great to follow the action but had become obsessed about the 5 in a row since last year. Luckily his mother was there to console him while I sulked in my seat.


Clear run at an election in the new year


There was a lot of tears from young Limerick fans yesterday, obviously not used to seeing them get the road,
I had some bad experiences with Tipp fans back in 84 when it looked like they had it won,
But I turned out alright :man_shrugging:

Hopefully he won’t end up waiting as long as my father did to see another all ireland after 73.


Horgan forced a very good save out of quaid
Did the right thing, it was the better percentage play to strike it

All you need is a coach who thinks outside the box, and has a hape of football drills.

I wonder…

I think that as well but surely the big house would find a roll for him? Might be a bit more family friendly after 8 years of training and games in the limelight rather than being in dublin 3 days a week and having to cover the county from ballylanders to glin?

My sister was on train down to Connolly with me yesterday evening watching match on phone. She lives and works in Limerick and is sick of yer lot so was particularly buoyant that Cork had won. Then we saw some poor young Limerick in bits at Connolly (as I said to here, the poor fella probably never saw Limerick lose a big game really) and she kept herself in check after that.

There’s no need for some fucking ape to be roaring and shouting at a kid.