2024 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

Heard him call Jack Lynch “the real Taoiseach” yesterday on the radio.

This is a great contest

Who is the howiya on comms on BBC?

Armagh are so desperate to avoid losing on penalties they will inevitably bring it upon themselves in their desperation to avoid it.

Armagh totally paralysed by fear

That was shocking

Armagh make such a terrible mistake that it shocks Donegal into botching the resulting chance.

The only way Armagh can win this is if the inevitability that they will blow it becomes so overpowering that it lulls Donegal into complacency.

Donegal equalise.

Tiernan Kelly of Galway mass brawl fame took a mark at the very end of normal time. Must’ve been well beyond the 45’ and at an angle but went for the biggest Hail Mary shot to try snatch a winner. Would’ve been iconic if it had gone over, had the legs but not the accuracy.

Donegal should’ve just had a pop there. Will it be 4th time lucky for Armagh in a shootout?

Armagh doing now what they needed to do two mins ago.

This. Is. Epic

That was some cowardice from Donegal.


Delighted for penos

Christ the co commentator couldnt sound more dull despite the absolute excitement of the climax

Take a shot !! Whistle was been blown regardless

whelo and parkinson want this gone believe it or not or played in January!

Philly Mac is good and was excited

That was a brilliant game. I hope armagh win it. They are due a break

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Is that who it is??? Jesus. Dreadful.

Gaelic football players have been turned into Don’t Take A Shot Bots in these situations.

Apart from Cillian Clutch O’Connor.