A Lotto Bullshit


We wouldn’t have said that they had promise would we?

If the body was outrageous, I oculd get beyond what you call “eyes that are too wide apart”. However I would fear the body isnt.

Ah Fagan - did you honestly think I was serious?

I can come back with a few genuine scams if you wish.

Please do. I have a few too that could net a good bit.

I’ve often thought we should scam the fuxk out of the naive muldoons that post on here. Pm your intentions please Flano.

My sister was telling me she got four numbers in the lotto the other night and got the princely sum of €19 for her efforts. :lol:

Did we ever hear how much exactly CianFoley won in the lotto?

This post is useless without pics.


Sorry mate.

Ah it’s ok really…