A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

I didnā€™t. You did. You ignore the Jewish comments above and try and tell them itā€™s not racist. Classic racist behavior from you.

Is the Jewish lady anti-Semitic ?

Stop deflecting, mate. You used a classic anti-Semitic trope, like your hero Kevin Myers.

You need to deal with your racism and anti-Semitism. Itā€™s not acceptable. Have a nice evening.

You are the poster who has been engaging in racism and anti-Semitism.

Thereā€™s way to criticise Israel, with harsher language even, without devolving to that stuff. It doesnā€™t do anyone any good and the Mirror shouldnā€™t give it airtime. If you canā€™t see the issue, youā€™re part of the problem.

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Down with this sort of thing, careful now

And what has that to do with Jews you simple cunt?

Meh. I think thereā€™s way to criticise Israel and to be even harsher.

They used a changed up version of a chant that it is known to annoy Israelis (from the rivers to the sea, Palestine shall be free), but tried to make it hilarious and Irish centric. We can debate the ā€œrivers to the seaā€ thing but I think using it and following up with a classic anti Semitic trope isnā€™t on and shouldnā€™t be given publicity by the Irish media. Just my opinion.

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What has Israel got to do with the Jews?

I think you know the answer and are lashing out. Take a few minutes

If you say Ireland are rats are you being anti Catholic?

You keep saying criticism of Israel is anti Semitic, itā€™s not. Thatā€™s a nice neat little way of shutting down any criticism of Israel. I donā€™t see their religion when I call them murderous bastardsā€¦ I just see their state sponsored terrorism and apartheid.

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Maybe if Israel stopped murdering people, other people wouldnā€™t be so mean to them

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You must beā€¦ We have to view every country under the lense of their religion now it seems.

Itā€™s the default counter for any criticism of Israel. The anti semetic card

But, but, but the Holocaustā€¦ Anti semitismā€¦

Israel have been acting like nincompoops.

They are horrible nincompoops.

Why do Limerick people hate Jews? Is it the memory of the pogrom when they drove five Jews out of town?

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The Holocaust was possible because of the same anti-semitism borne out of attacking Jews as fundamentally evil and having an undue influence on the world.

Belittling it is not a good look for you.

Maybe if we wrote a strongly worded letter

I donā€™t have a problem with criticism of Israel. Even calling them a terrorist state there. Doesnā€™t particularly bother me given their behaviour.

They know what they were at. Itā€™s a chant that annoys Israel and gets backlash that they modified but deliberately followed up with an anti Semitic trope.

Itā€™s unhelpful is all, does nothing for the cause in the end. All Israel do is pick those lines up and say their opponents are anti Semitic. Turning a blind eye to it is stupid.

Anyway, I see the oddball is on the thread and likely quoting my every post so I shall depart.