A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

20% of Israelis are non Jewish, give or take. Any belittling has been done by you

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

So nobody can protest against state sponsored terrorism in Israel because Israel will claim its anti semetic? Thatā€™s really your argument

No it isnā€™t. Calling Jews rats is an anti Semitic trope. The marchers backed that onto an hilarious variation of a slogan that Israelis have a huge issue with.

Youā€™ll note that I said that I didnā€™t have a problem with calling Israel a terrorist state or criticising them with even harsher language. Calling Israel rats is dumb and self defeating though. If you canā€™t see that, grand.

Did they call Jews rats? Specifically, did they say Israel rats or Jews rats?

If you canā€™t see the issue, youā€™re part of the problem. The chant will be used by Israeli propaganda now to discredit the protests, and nothing will change. But at least you get to be obtuse on the Internet. Congrats.

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You didnā€™t answer the question

Israelis are very odd and aggressive fuckers. One of them put a knife to my throat in Thailand because he thought I was slighted him when I wasnā€™t even talking in his directionā€¦ I had another run in a few if them in Thailand also who couldnā€™t handle a joke and started firing all this pro UVF shit at me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:ā€¦ Another fucker watched me get a hand job in a hostel in Buenos Airesā€¦ I thought everyone was asleep in the dorm and the next morning he gives me a play by play recap of me getting frisky with your wan and what I should have done to herā€¦ I hadnā€™t spoken to him previously.

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Were these Jewish Israelis or Arab Israelis?

I worked with a lot of them at EMC back in the day - there were a lot of them Engineers as one of the founders was an Israeli chap.

You couldnā€™t go drinking with them. One lad got a broken jaw for a slag

Jewish as far as I knowā€¦ Loads of them travel after coming out of the army.

Iā€™ve heard others complaining about bad experiences with Israelis in hostels.

Militarism is an awful thing, my cousin who lived in a Kibbutz said they were all lovely before they do their military service.

When on our travels I asked an Israeli chap was he heading home for the Christmas. He wasnā€™t sure if I was taking the piss. My mulldoon head probably swayed him and he told me they didnā€™t celebrate Christmas. The penny dropped when I asked him why not.

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Good job ye didnā€™t have that chat around Easter and it might have got proper naughty .

When Tommy Robinsonā€™s on your side, maybe you should rethink your position.

the English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, among the attenders.

The George Floyd video caused mainstream politics and civil society worldwide to wake up to and acknowledge what ordinary black people and other fair minded people of all skin colours had always known.

Why should these videos not do the same for the Palestinian cause?

Palestinian lives matter. Just like black lives matter and the lives of Catholics in the North matter.

Israel believes they do not.


Bernie! Bernie!


Heā€™s an anti-Semite.