A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

A good lot of yanks wouldn’t be able to point out the place on a map.

Yanks are more worried about what is going on in the US, mobs of pro Palestinian scumbags attacking Jews on the street. It’s clearly anti Zionism though not anti Semitism, not that it matters to the innocents being battered.

But you don’t give a shit about the near 70 children murdered in Gaza - not battered - murdered.

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Palestinians always “die”. Israelis are always “killed” or “murdered”.

Neat propaganda trick, that.

You really hate the Palestinians mate. The hate is dripping out of you every time you post about the apartheid, Zionazi, Israeli state.

Careful now…remember what he said before…

You should take a look at eg the McGurk’s Bar bombing. That was pretty much what the RUC\British Army said … it was an IRA own goal.

I know you wouldn’t swallow that shit when it happens in Ireland. Why are you so susceptible to it from Israel?

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I don’t hate anyone mate. All civilian deaths are tragic, especially children. Maybe if your friends in Hamas were concerned about civilian deaths they wouldn’t launch rockets at civilian targets, including their own civilians.

The post is from a Canadian human rights activist, director of UN Watch. Are you denying that Hamas rockets landed in Gaza?

The IRA regularly bombed England and civilian targets.

Do you think this was an excuse for Ballymurphy or Bloody Sunday or proof that the cause of northern Catholics as a people was not just and righteous, or proof that the ideology of the Protestant state for a Protestant people that oppressed them was not rotten and bankrupt?

Do you think it was a legitimate excuse to flatten West Belfast or Crossmaglen or Coalisland or Newry with bombs from the air?

Also a graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and writes for the very much pro Israeli Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs


The IRA’s cause was just and their aim was a 32 county secular Republic. The aim of Hamas is a Islamist state with all Jews in the region murdered. Same as your own beliefs.

So only Islamist propaganda that you support should be listened to?

That’s a frankly laughable degree of cognitive dissonance. Hamas and the IRA exist/ed for the exact same reasons and they had the exact same aims.

The last bit is yet more proof of your mind bending extremism.

The IRA supported an Islamist state? Interesting revisionism.

Right back at you … only zionist propaganda whould be listened to?

You’re flailing.

Netanyahu speaking in 2014:


He made explicitly clear that he could never, ever, countenance a fully sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank. He indicated that he sees Israel standing almost alone on the frontlines against vicious Islamic radicalism, while the rest of the as-yet free world does its best not to notice the march of extremism. And he more than intimated that he considers the current American, John Kerry-led diplomatic team to be, let’s be polite, naive.


Netanyahu has stressed often in the past that he doesn’t want Israel to become a binational state — implying that he favors some kind of accommodation with and separation from the Palestinians. But on Friday he made explicit that this could not extend to full Palestinian sovereignty. Why? Because, given the march of Islamic extremism across the Middle East, he said, Israel simply cannot afford to give up control over the territory immediately to its east, including the eastern border — that is, the border between Israel and Jordan, and the West Bank and Jordan.


The priority right now, Netanyahu stressed, was to “take care of Hamas.” But the wider lesson of the current escalation was that Israel had to ensure that “we don’t get another Gaza in Judea and Samaria.” Amid the current conflict, he elaborated, “I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan.”

Of course the great irony is that Israel itself is led by a Holocaust denier, Benjamin Netanyahu.

I have a balanced view of the situation, based on an understanding of both sides of the conflict. Israel has the right to exist and to defend itself from Islamists who have been trying to exterminate all Jews in the region since 1948. They do not have a right to discriminate against Palestinians based on their ethnicity, but they do have a right to self defense.

It would be wonderful if Netanyahu and Hamas were both gone.