A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

And the theft of Palestinian land and homes? Do the Palestinians have a right of self defence? You have the typical extreme right wing, supremacist view of things. On this you side with Ulster loyalism.

I believe Palestinians should be compensated. Do Jews have a right to return to all the Arab countries they were expelled from since 1948? How about all those who were expelled from their homes and land in Europe, including Jews, in the 20th century, do they have a right of return or restitution?

You are an anti-Semite, only the wrongs done by Israel matter to you. 250k dead in Yemen, don’t give a shit because it wasn’t Jews doing the killing. Are you calling for a ban on oil and gas imports from Saudi? Are you fuck.

You support the theft of Palestinian land. In fact you support the genocidal impulses of the worst of zionism. You’re actually a disgrace.

I won’t sleep tonight worrying about what a Catholic bigot thinks of me.

You’d have supported the Plantation … as long as the Irish were “compensated”. For an intelligent man you’re incredibly unaware

There is no ethnic group in human history that has been oppressed and discriminated against like the Jews. Half the remaining population of Jews are packed into a country the size of Ulster, and leftists want to see them removed from there as well. Why don’t you apply the same standard to every other ethnic group who lost their land and homes in wars?

Why do you believe it’s right that people who had no connection to a land other than the roots of their religion, should be allowed to annex that land from the people who are actually living there?

Christianity has its origins in “The Holy Land”. Should all xtians have the right to return?

Jews have the same historical connection to the land in question as Palestinians, they are an ethnic group with roots in the region just like Arabs. Most of the Arabs living in Israel and the occupied territories migrated there, otherwise how did the population of Arabs grow by X7 since 1948? Did you know that only 7% of Arabs living in Israel identify as Palestinians? It’s a bit more complex than your Jews bad, Palestinians good stance.

But you your finally getting somewhere. Israel is the outcome of the 1948 war, a war that you clearly disagree with the outcome and would have preferred the Islamists won and another genocide of Jews, 6 million wasn’t enough. Every country on the planet has been fought over by humans, in many cases multiple times. Why are you not calling for a right of return of all people who lost their land in wars in the 20th century? What is so special about the Jews in your mind that they should give up their country (the size of Ulster) and you do not apply the same morality to any other country worldwide?

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What you’re saying is that because of their particular religion, Jews have the right to the land. That’s it in a nutshell. Nothing to do with “ethnicity”. Being a Jew entitles you to steal Palestinian land.

It’s only dawned on me now I’m talking to a simpleton. My bad.

When you know you’re wrong you always and I mean always call people names. I don’t think you’re quite as clever as you think you are. A bit of the Eeoghan Harris about you, pal. Night night.

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Yes, clearly you are the one who is correct. Jews are not an ethnic group, there is no such thing as anti Semitism, and Jews have never been subjected to racism. Jews are white and therefore must be hated, especially by self hating whites. Are you an Angela Rayner disciple? Goodnight.

Surely the deliberate settlement of Israelis in Palestinian land, and the knock on impact of severe curtailment of the rights of the Palestinians is a no brainier in terms of wrongness?

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Are you talking about 1948 or today? The settlements in the West Bank are clearly wrong. @TheBlackSpot believes that Jews have no right to be in Israel and should fuck off somewhere else.

You’re a wild man not only for telling people what they should think, but also for what they actually do think.

You should create another persona on here and spend your time arguing with that. Oh wait! Maybe you already do.

Sure tell us what you think then. Does Israel have the right to exist? Does it have the right to defend itself from attack by Islamists like Hamas and Hezbollah? I’m not arguing Israel has a right to drive Palestinians out of their homes in the West Bank, I disagree with that.

Sure that’s the logic ISIS used for their fantastical caliphate.

By that logic Spain should be part of an Islamic caliphate.

By that logic Germany should be allowed reconquer Poland. And Russia.

And Russia should reconquer Ukraine.

That is actually what you are arguing for, reversing the outcome of the 1948 war.

Why should survivors and descendants of people who were ethnically cleansed out of their homeland not have the right of return?

They didn’t choose to be ethnically cleansed out of their homeland.

You really need to stop engaging with that individual.