Aaron Mauger

Very strange decision from him to leave Canterbury for Leicester from after the world cup. It’s a two and a half year deal and he reckons he’ll be returning home after then but I can’t imagine it’s a monetary decision - with the salary cap in England surely he’d be as well off being a top tier All Black.

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Do NZ still have the policy of only selecting players who play in the domestic league for the All Blacks? If so, it’s a strange move. How old is he? About 28? Maybe he thinks they’ll want to build for the next WC from next Autumn on and he’ll be too old to play by then.

No he’s only 26 - there’s no way he’s too old. I think it’s the opposite - he reckons he can get away with going away for two and a half years and still coming back and playing in the next world cup. I suppose for a guy that came to Ireland to play for Suttonians at 16 he’s always made odd career decisions.

Well then it’s a very strange decision.

I didn’t know there was a salary cap in England. Is that new or has it always been there?

Passed by Suttonians RFC yesterday. The firsts were playing Clondalkin in JP McDowell Park. I didn’t know they even played rugby in Clondalkin and now that I do I can’t imagine the kind of freak that would play rugby in Clondalkin. Probably young lads they’re trying to retrain after a spell in prison or Borstal. How the mighty have fallen. This team were third in the AIL Division 2 ten years ago. Now they are playing Clondalkin in Division 1 B of the Leinster League.

Who would have thought that @Rocko and @Bandage were closet rugby aficionados.


They were relegated from senior rugby few years back with a winless season I think. Ambulance job

Funny thread all the same. How times have changed

Well found fagan

You really couldn’t make it up.

@Bandage once was an avid fan of Man City until he met @Rocko who introduced him to Celtic. Mixed emotions for the wexfordian in the champions league

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He was a muldoon back then as well

A first degree roaster and proud of it

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He still is.

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Is St Fintans playing rugby a relatively new thing? I saw they were in the Fr Godfrey Cup a couple of years ago which would be a decent level for a new school on the scene.

Bandage or Rocko should start a thread on the provincial towns cup.

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The boys didn’t see Nonu finally fulfilling his potential and becoming a world class 12 by 2011 or Sonny Bill walking out on the Bulldogs to become the back up All Blacks 12. Hard calls to be fair to them. Interestingly Mauger was retired before the world cup.

You chaps are so naive. Do you not understand how a sting works? Did you not read the breaking Sam Allardyce story last night? I had to gain Rocko’s trust and initially feign interest in rugby football to start the process of turning him against it. Christ almighty above, you gullible simpletons. “Rocko, tell me about Aaron Mauger and why he left New Zealand”.


Explaining = Losing


Answer inspired by Trump

The man doth protest too much .

Bandage being a bandwagoner shocker.
Its obvious enough lads the man can’t make a decision for himself.