Abortion Referendum Thread

One prevents life, I don’t agree with them but they they do not kill a life.

Abortion on the other hand, outright kills a life, it’s a completely different end of the spectrum.

You’re clearly saying abortion is a birth control method which is horrific. It’s the killing of a life.

Not surprised to see you don’t want to discuss the ugly truth about what abortion is - unborn babies suctioned out of their mothers because some people don’t like the results of their actions.

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So you believe an unborn child does have rights? Ok well then your whole argument is based on dates and interpretations of viability. How can you accept the removal of this right, the only right that you accept the unborn child should have

No, it’s choosing to not carry on a pregnancy.
Her body, her right. No amount of woman shaming changes that fact.

Masturbation kills millions of lives. By your own logic, you have killed gazillions of lives.

The woman hating is strong with this one. And the previous one.

It’s not her right. She brought a child into the world, it’s out of her hands after that. If she didn’t want the child, she should not have done what she did.

Killing it is barbaric, an act of selfishness.

What’s strong with you is the dismissive nature of a child’s right to live.

A zygote is not a child, pal.

It is and will be if their mother does not decide to kill it.


Yes, I believe a viable fetus has a right to life as if can be safely delivered and live outside the womb. That right is less than a mother’s rights though, if the mother is endangered. I don’t believe a first trimester embryo has any rights that conflict with a woman or a couples right to have a child or not.

I think the question of when any such right comes into existence means that it should have no place in the Constitution and that a personal choice of conscience should be available rather than have any rigid moral view imposed on the nation.


You hypocrite.

Bringing a child into the world is called childbirth.

Thats not really great for one part of the equation who cannot make a representation on its own behalf!

It’s called a pregnancy.

A yes vote destroys that right

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Christ. It’s like listening to a know it all pub bore with 12 pints down them.

It does in its hat.

No it doesn’t. The proposed legislation is 12 weeks and even that may not pass. Pesonally I would propose (for Ireland) limiting elective abortion to 10 weeks which is the limit for the pill.