Alastair Campbell

can’t stand this bloke. like blair makes out to be mr nice guy but is a lying muppet who covers up the truth to save his own back at every possible opportunity. do you believe he actually couldn’t here the interviewer? it would be typical him to make up something like that

He’s a devious fooker. Is that a recent interview?

After his excellent performance on the Lions tour a few years back he’d be a good addition to Stan’s back-up team.

the interview is a few months old i think. your quite right. campbell would be able to control the beast that is aftermatch interviews on tv3.

Anyone see the documentary on Blair the other night? Someone once rang Campbell with the intention of doing an interview with Blair about his religios beliefs. His reply was ‘we don’t do God’. Blair tends to keep his whole religious beliefs under wraps - considering it is such a huge part of his life by all accounts I think its a bit hypocritical. Campbell’s input at the time no doubt

The speculation is that Blair will become a Roman Catholic within a few months of resigning from PM - he think it’s too controversial a move to undertake in his current role. Not sure if it’s true but Cherie is RC anyway and Blair has been to Mass a few times.

Isn’t it correct to say that you can’t be PM over there if you are a Roman Catholic?

Hence the need to wait until he’s out of office to convert.

Not that I’m into religion anyway. Not criticising those who are either. Each to their own and all that.

I’ve heard that before but not sure if it has basis in truth.

Thought Blair was a Catholic?

No his wife’s Catholic, he’s Church of England.

whats wrong with that Alastair Campbel video. It says its no longer available.