All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

If only they had a full back

Now that Galway finally have a competent goalkeeper in hurling, the football lads had to step up. Nature abhors a vacuum.

A great day for speculative punts into the square

Armagh Armagh Armagh

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Jesus Christ what’s wrong with these Galway chaps and playing in goals

I worry Galway are getting a year’s worth of Galwaying out of the way ahead of the big one next Sunday

Lovely goal.

What a goal

Probably should have tapped it over yeah.

Nice goal

What a bloody game.

Best game of football in ages…

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Get in

Ah brilliant. What a goal !

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Ah, what a game of ball…

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Guts in spades

Shane Walsh ya beauty

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This hurling score territory

Cant defend the long ball

Unreal point. Damien O’Reilly like.

Rian O’Neill has some boot. Just lamping it in every time now