All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

Keep going back to the same forwards every year

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I didn’t think it was a red on first look, DOC’s head was almost below hip height.

O shea black for nothing and gough bottled the elbow to the head


That’s a red card … mistimed ended up elbow to the head … the Mayo lad was too honest and got up to quick

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Flat enough old game. Kerry not the team they are made out to be bar Clifford’s genius. Certainly there for Mayo.

They’ve tried a lot of lads tbf. I’d always have Kevin McLoughlin starting

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Mayo will be delighted to only be down by one after the black, Kerry missed an opportunity to put the foot on the neck there but the elbow to the head will have to do them for the moment.

Aido has one more minute to sit out at the start of the second half. The rest could do him good you know.

This is all about Mayo making Kerry doubt themselves as much as possible and remember previous defeats. To bring out the Donegal in them. So far it’s going alright.

Mayo getting rode as always. Two massive calls wrong, really really poor.

Kerry defence looks very disjointed …Mayo need to go at them more

Kerry remain very unimpressive. Think the Dubs would beat them quite handily if Mayo don’t beat them first

Joanne putting the boot in something lovely.

Think the conditions are really hindering Kerry though, the slips and stumbles are giving the Mayo backs that extra chance. On a dry sod id say they would be far more dangerous.

Kerry should play through Geaney who has the beating of his man instead of targeting a crocked Clifford.

Kerry did really poorly after the black. They didn’t put any sort of squeeze on the Mayo kickout with an extra man, allowed them to play the ball around and Mayo have basically held the ball for the vast majority of the 10 minutes O’Shea will be gone.

The game just seems subdued, probably not helped by so many people leaving. There’s some good moments but it lacks tempo & proper intensity despite some decent turnovers at times. Kerry not moving the ball quick enough from defence to attack.

Could still come good if it’s close down the home straight. Mayo will be happy enough tbh, they’re playing fairly well and look more likely to really put pressure on the Kerry kickout. If they are in touch in the final 10 minutes and get a bit of momentum, it’ll be there for them.

Ah jesus, unless it was something despicable leave it off

He seems to only be Crocked when he’s bet to the ball … he’s well able to sprint when he has it

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He is a great player in fairness.

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Tough few days ahead for Tiernan
