All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

Why so? I like him. I like that he had a cut off Charlie Flanagan anyway.


He nailed it in that article.

It’s good publicity for Gaelic sports for politicians to be commenting on what happens in a Gaelic football match.

The GAA should be thankful for it.

Soap Opera

Exactly. Darragh O’Sé is pretending to be outraged at politicians commenting on what happened in Galway v Armagh.

In reality he is delighted they did, because it gave him a chance to write a (poorly written) column in opposition to them.

This is what it is all about. Taking a side in a culture war as a performance. It creates two opposing sides, which generates lots of heat and no light.

These sorts of columns require much less effort than an actual analysis of the football, for much more return in terms of engagement. It’s all about the engagement, the clickety click.

Money for jam. The Kerry way.

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This. Tiernan Kelly ran onto the pitch and tried to gouge the eye out of a man who had his back turned and his arms held. It is extremely fortunate for Damian Comer that he didn’t. By Darragh 's “heat of the moment” reasoning you could excuse any violent crime.
The pushing and shoving was one thing, and to my mind, provoked by Armagh’s off the ball thuggery which ramped up as the game progressed and had elements of premeditation, but the eye gouging, and he had two goes at it, cannot be excused thus. There is no excuse. Kelly deserves every bit of opprobrium he gets, as do Armagh. I doubt they care overmuch, it’ll just promote siege mentality. It takes a special kind of nasty prick to start messaging his employer, but you cannot try and greywash that.

Six months for Tiernan Kelly.

He won’t miss any Armagh inter county games.

The system works.


Darragh O’Sé times the limit believes in second chances

Or third chances


Be interesting to see if they appeal it. Probably not considering all of the noise generated since.

It says he won’t contest it in the first sentence of the article

Includes club games. Was he getting mich game time before his injury?

Ah right didn’t read it just saw the headline. He’s right too, just draw a line under it.

Should have been the whole of next year imho. Very lenient.


Three months is plenty.

I find it hilarious people say if he done it on the street he’d be facing jail.

If you walked down the street with a helmet on and swinging a Hurley while shouldering people you’d probably end up jail too.

I hope Kelly is ok as this witch hunt is ridiculous.


Six is about right, whatever about him not missing matches. Armagh county board should be getting some kind of sanction though, three of these incidents in the one season shouldn’t be let go unpunished.


Ah it’s about right. The GAA doesn’t do suspensions really so they get to actually suspend someone for once and Kelly doesn’t miss any games so win win all round.

He would probably have been starting.

It wasnt an injury that kept him out, it was an illness. I doubt he’d have played Club Championship in any case.

He will miss a shitload of club games but no intercounty matches.