All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

Forum favourite the Movement Coach Kevin Mulcahy is the man for the job.

Not that kind of county. It’s engrained in folklore that they are a purist footballing county.



A grain of rice


Paidi the auld rogue

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variants: or less commonly engrained \ (ˌ)in-​ˈgrānd \

You need to know the rules to break the rules.

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The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn’t exist …

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I saw nothing there tonight that will worry Kildare.


Cavan giving Donegal plenty of it again. Leading 0-4 to 0-2.

Cavan picking up scores quite handily off this Donegal defence. Donegal having to work harder for their scores from play. Cavan have given away a good few cheap fouls though.

Pace of the game has picked up a lot in the last 10 minutes. In the long run you feel that will suit Donegal.

Presumably all the John Small truthers will be baying for Padraig Faulkner’s blood after that tackle caught Paddy McBrearty on the jaw.

A rattling good half of football in the main GAA game of the weekend. 0-9 apiece at the break.

Donegal beginning to open their legs and show their class. Four on the bounce.

Level again

There is a lot to be admired about Mickey Graham.

There is a lot not to admire about Declan Bonner.

Cavan have Donegal right where they want them. Again.

Ah that’s a sickener

Donegal now have Cavan right where they want them.

Oh goalie.

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What was the keeper thinking?