All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

I do think Marty’s comments are a bit weird since this always happens.

But both teams seemed content not to lose rather than actually pushing to win. Which is understandable, I guess. But not going to beat the best teams that way.

The lads on BBC analysis are miles ahead of RTE, and they have seats as well.

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The Beeb trying to tell us this shit is the best game ever played

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You get the sense rte want to end the provincial championships and that’s the reason for Marty’s comments.,

What odds would you get that this finishes 1-12 apiece after extra time?

The mark. :rollseyes:

Emmett Bradley channelling Paddy Bradley. Some difference in the two scores so far.

Considering Marty normally spends his time eulogising run-of-the-mill items, and was doing so in the first half, the turn in his comments is weird.

Donegal are a constant disappointment to me though, I do think they have enough scoring forwards to really threaten teams if they were set up properly.

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I’m not as negative as most but Donegal not even trying to score when time is up the last two times is ridiculous


It’s remarkable how the mark has not entered the consciousness of players as a tactic. It’s an abomination but you would think in this sort of situation it would be the go to tactic.

I don’t think Donegal’s mark was the result of a tactic.

McGuigan is some man.

Donegal are offering nothing, hopefully they lose

It looks like Derry want it more. Donegal have been dreadful since the start of extra time.

Derry looked like they could have just kept the ball until the end of the game there

Total football by Rogers. Redefining the role of a full back. You wouldn’t have seen Danny Quinn or Tony Scullion do that.

Derry had the ball for over three mins there before scoring.

Donegal will get this to pens yet.

And they could regret taking the score yet

Donegal won’t the get the ball back now.

That was sub optimal from McBrearty.