All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

Really missing Tommy Goals.

Hennelly misses a free 40 metres out in front. Mayo are giving Monaghan the codes, are they good enough to use them.

What channel is this on?

SKY 408

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Mayo nearly gone 20 mins without scoring but Monaghan not doing a whole pile either.

1 score in the second half for Mayo

It’s like watching the Ulster Final

Banty dressed like its the middle of January.

Mayo’s last five chances have yielded nothing.

McLaughlin goal chance
Orme wide
Ruane wide
Hennelly wide
Durcan wide

Another wide now.

Given how Monaghan are standing off them when in possession, and Mayo have had nearly it all for the last six or seven minutes, you’d wonder is there even any point in them attacking when in possession.

Some score by Keegan

Keegan to the rescue.

Monaghan gave Keegan plenty of time to line up a shot there a la Spock’s Ireland in Yerevan.

Classic Leeroy

McManus is sadly washed.


McManus is finished.

That was a lovely sequence of commentary

You fucking gobshite McCarron

Football is woeful at the moment. Hard watch.

That mullet is sickening to look at.

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Smashing pass from Leeroy

As good as Ruane’s Maurice Fitzgerald-esque shot for a point in the first half.