All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

Armagh could be out of sight by half time if Tyrone don’t wake up.

Good game this, proper Championship edge to it. Far better than that Ulster final rubbish served up last week


Teagues out

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Terrific voice and pitch for the World chess series….Horseitup with king to…….falls :sleeping:

Much more enjoyable than the hurling.


Armagh playing a lovely brand of football.

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Some of those long Armagh passes beginning to go astray. Turnover there costing them a point.

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Very good outcome for Tyrone to go into half time just one down considering how Armagh were cutting lanes through them for a long stretch.

Armagh have let Tyrone back into this. Unwarranted yellow card for the Armagh no10. Put his hand on the ball and the Tyrone attacker collapses = yellow card. Bullshit.

Think the lads were targeting the wrong goalkeeper over those goals. Not Morgan’s finest hour to say the least.

Tyrone’s discipline has been woeful this year but that was a bit harsh.

Bad start to the second half for Tyrone. Armagh with the first two points and half time sub Richie Donnelly black carded.

Ridiculous black card in fairness.

Darragh Canavan puts his gumshield into his sock after coming on. A lot of good that’ll do him when one of geezers boys give him a puck in the mouth

Sublime point by Ethan Rafferty after some sublime Armagh football. And Soupy follows it up.

That could break the back of the Tyrone challenge.

Tyrone were as suspected a flash in the pan last year.

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Tyrone being put out of their misery.

Go for goal!

That should have been in the net. But six is a big gap and Tyrone don’t look like they have the stomach to close it.

Mayo must be sick watching this.


Ah Jaysus