All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

Is the Nordie with the lisp still presenting the one?

Presenting would be being kind to him. Licking the two lads holes would be more accurate.

Yeah, he’s the reason I never got into it. Don’t like listening to lads shite on about hurling anyway. Might give the Daly one a try as I presume he takes himself a bit less seriously

A waste of time listening to the bollix

Fucks sake I thought Sean Óg was talking.


You could say the same about the lot of em — what you want is a podcast of Ger Lough and Cyril Farrell … Cyril telling wild tales and Ger tearing strips off everyone. All you need is the right person in there that will let them off - unlike the cunts on RTE.

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He’s in denial about the Galway filth and is lashing out at everyone.


Daly’s one is harmless enough. A bit of banter. How bad?

Loughnane was on Stapleton’s Off The Ball podcast last week, will hopefully be a regular.

Giddy Munster halfwits laughing at themselves might be banter to you but it’s not enjoyable for more discerning eastern seaboard dwellers.


I could feel Daly’s head nodding away listening.

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Very well said that man. :+1:

Listening to the Hurling show on GAA now and it’s all KK and TJ Reid … fucksake.l

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Stuart hasn’t forgiven the Champion for the incident a few months ago I’d say when the Echo was discarded outside several shops by the Champion people.

He was going well until he mentioned Paul O’Connell.

Yeah, it reads like he’s using the Clare hurling team as a vehicle to try to prolong or settle a spat with his rival local newspaper.


No it doesn’t read that at all. Did you take your medication this morning?

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Any hops off that complete fraud masquerading as a “journalist” Derrick Lynch are to be welcomed.

He is a complete clown shoe

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An expression I introduced to the forum a few years back, nice to see it back again.

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We’re hurling royalty mate, everything than any other team does is measured against KK, you’ll just have to suck that up I’m afraid

No ye’re hurling filth.