All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

@Gman, who are designating to mark TJ Reid?

Not sure. If Walter plays youā€™d imagine O Hanlon will take him again. Matt seems to wind him up in these games and curbs his involvement. I wouldnt trust Hanlon to take on Reid instead though. I also wouldnt trust Murphy to be a sticky enough defender to be on him. Foley would have the height but not really the defensive mindset. It really only leaves Reck as an option to take him, which I think he could do. I think heā€™d be caught on height, so if they bunch it on KK puck outs and let Foley or Hanlon be there is those sort of stoppages/restarts and Reck to take him in general play, seems the best option.

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Or anyone of them could split him in the 1st 5 and be done with him, Gary Kirby style.


Mind you, fuck knows what all the furore was about, that finger looks fine to me.

I was also thinking Reck, even though heā€™s universally played corner back for us at senior level. Heā€™s played further outfield at all other levels.

Iā€™m taking it as a given that Liam Ryan will mark Colin Fennelly.

Aside from Ryan and to a lesser extent Reck, all other options donā€™t match up that well with Reid. No shame in that as heā€™s class, but lads donā€™t have one or more of the aerial prowess, speed or general sharpness (or nackiness / knackiness - is this a term?) to combat him.

Shaun Murphy might get the nod as heā€™s been decent as a traditional marker this season. He would struggle in the air though, I feel. Sutcliffe caught a ball or two above him but didnā€™t capitalise, and Murphy did a fine job overall on him. Murphy could go back and mark Aylward with Donohoe picking up Sheehan and then Reck moving out on Reid.

The familiar accent is very comforting.

Iā€™d actually go with MOH on TJ as Iā€™d be worried about height and TJ ability to catch ball. I think Paudie Foley or Murphy would do fine on Wally.

MOH not quick/nacky/knacky/sharp enough for Reid imnvho but has other qualities that will be needed elsewhere.

Hes missed the point that Woolie led the boys right up the garden path with the discussion. They were hopping

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It is. But Aylward didnā€™t pull to the ground.

Daly sounded like he was close to ejaculation at various points during that episode.

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How do you know what Daly sounds like when heā€™s close to ejaculation?

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Dalys Cark accent :grin::grin::grin:

In his speedos

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Your Ma


Aylward ran back towards Harte, both started grappling and ended up on the ground. Under the rules, that constitutes a yellow card.

It was incredibly stupid from Aylward. He was on a yellow, he had won a free, his team were mounting a comeback and he does that. He should be give a 2 match ban for stupidity.


to slightly nit pick, he hadnt won a free, play was ongoing and the ref gave him advantage and as he went on to get involved in the play, Harte tripped him and stopped him. I can understand his frustration, but he was stupid and I cant see how Kilkenny would win an appeal on the yellow card. Makes fuck all difference really anyway. It is harsh, in that a player clearly fouled him and then tripped him when he was going away so beyond a standard niggle, but yet despite not being the instigator, his end punishment is greater. Again, his own fault, he should have known better, but its a constant tactic for teams to send a niggly prick onto a player with a yellow for both to get yellows and only one of them will get the red then.


Worms mate, worms.

Thatā€™s a bit harsh. Are you a liverpool fan.

No, just think he is an utter tool