All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

I think it has to be MOH on tj. He would destroy Reck in the air. I do agree I have reservations about MOH along the same lines you have already stated but I’m not sure who else. Also there is no gaurentee that Wally starts for kk.

Comes across as a real snide fucker.

He received the correct sanction, a yellow card. His end punishment is irrelevant. There was no niggle from harte, just a blatant trip which he lost the head over. As an example of your second point paddy deegan from before the ball was thrown in in the second half was niggling, kneeing, digging cathal mannion with the hurl, all through the second half. Understandable. Mannion pushed back at one stage and hey presto, cards for both. Common as you say, another reason for two referees or more active linesmen.

The whinge on woolies podcast concerned, harte, mannion, hanbury, all of whom got carded, the correct sanction, and well handled by lyons. Yes they had a broader discussion about cynicism, and then, unbelievably, gave out to hanbury for not pulling down tj for his second goal, and agreed murphy would have dragged down whelan were he not already booked! JJ at the end mumbled that he had questions over lyons performance. Its a pity he didn’t use any time over the best part of an hour to set out what these issues were, as by the book lyons got every decision right.

Poor attempt by @binkybarnes to uncle tom for the kilkenny massas, well called out by mike hunt


Yip, holier than thou Maude Flanders type I’d say

He doesn’t look the sharpest at the best of times

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Think I heard a message from a FOTF in the middle of it.


Deegan was sent out with the express instruction to niggle, jib, pull and dunt mannion. Kk of course, as wooly says, are a pure team of clean hurlers, and would never resort to such a thing, but you know this perfectly well. Mannion has been labelled somehow as “windy” because he just wants to play, and doesn’t generally (ever to my knowledge) instigate this kind of dross, so stupid people think he’s an easy target. He was destroying kk, so kk set out to target him. “Windy” he certainly isn’t, as kk now know.

Fuck em Flatty. Dont bother your bollix … Galway bate the bastards in their own back yard and that’s the bottom line - the rest isnt even worth lowering yourself to.


I know you’re right, but when a national broadcast is so obviously biased, with an apparent agenda, to stack the deck against a county in future games, someone should call it out.

Derek McGrath lowering the blade in todays examiner.

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:joy::joy::joy: still be measured against us

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I’ve said plenty of times that kk are always the yardstick.

Thanks bud.

Jesus Christ I hate that shite when journalists/analysts reference a bit of Shakespeare into their piece to sound authoritative


Darach Honan had a nice thinly veiled cut off Davy Fitz in the Clare Echo this week. Refreshing to see.

Limerick are operating on a different level from Clare. They play an outstanding brand of hurling and have really bought into what they are doing as a group. Paul Kinnerk deserves a lot of the credit for this. He has gotten the most out of the group and this style of play is exactly the vision that he has for any team he is involved with. In Clare, we had Paul and found him to be an excellent trainer. At that time though, he was hindered by the use of a sweeper that we stuck to stubbornly. This impeded on his vision for the team as he had to operate within those constraints. What we are seeing in Limerick now is what we had the chance to do after our All-Ireland win in 2013.


Was there ever a defender not sent out to job , Pull , niggle etc . If a defender in my team wasn’t doing that I would want him hooked.

The fault, is not in our stars, but in ourselves

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