All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

Clare Tipp shouldā€™ve been a massive rivalry in the early 10s, Clare had the forwards to fuck people up

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Iā€™ve a new, unopened bucket here lads, itā€™s still warm. Could I just ask that thereā€™s no messing in the queue this time, any nonsense and Iā€™ll have to shut it down straight away.

So in the interest of safety, planning etc, could we get the Cark lads first, then Tipp, Clare, Galway and so onā€¦

Open wide and enjoy :yum:

Slurp, slurp :spoon:

Dublinā€™s disproportionate receipt of games development investment and team expenses in recent years, in addition to that countyā€™s massive population may have tainted, for many, their recent dominance of the football championship. But when it comes to hurling population alone, Limerickā€™s recent dominance of the hurling championship appears to have no apparent advantage over its rivals. Indeed, Limerick (9,980) has the sixth largest hurling playing population in Ireland currently, behind Cork (25,600), Tipperary (14,260), Dublin (13,980), Galway (12,520), and Kilkenny (10,080).

If we are to consider Map 2 a measurement of hurling density, such an indicator might better reflect the health of the game rather than its overall popularity. Unsurprisingly, only Dublin (15.33/km2) contains at least one starting team worth of hurlers per square kilometre. The next most densely populated counties in terms of hurlers are Waterford (5.27/km2), and Kilkenny (4.89 km2). More pressing a concern, arguably, is that 13 counties of Ireland have less than one hurler per square kilometre, from Down (0.83/km2) in the northeast to Kerry(0.58/km2) in the southwest and back to Donegal (0.40/km2) in the northwest.

Nice to see Cork top of the pile in something related to hurlingā€¦

Jesus thats paltry for Limerick given their population.

Kilkenny and Tipp the two counties where Hurling really is a religion based on those figures.

Incredible stuff from the Limerick hurlers given the poor pick weā€™ve to work with


Theres always somewhere on the internet that will support your argument

Quality over quantity.

Itā€™s miraculous to be so dominant given the circumstances.


Well going by those numbers, as a percentage of total population Limerick has a higher number than either Cork or Galway (obviously much higher than Dublin too).

If the numbers for the other counties are available I would suspect Clare and Waterford would have a higher % also.

Absolutely, a tremendous return from the Limerick hurlers.

Limerickā€™s recent Back to Back All Irelands is especially impressive when you consider:

-Only 2 Counties in the past 15 years have won back to back senior hurling All Irelands (Limerick and Kilkenny).
-Only 3 Counties in the past 30 years have won back to back senior hurling All Irelands (Limerick, Kilkenny and Cork).
-Only 4 Counties in the past 50 years have won back to back senior hurling All Irelands (Limerick, Kilkenny, Cork and Galway).


And none of them Tipp

Over 50 years - wow!

Decent enough article by Anthony Nash. Thought he was good on analysis for Sky last summer


Decent at best. Heā€™s all over the place.

Yerrah there are two key pieces until Paul Kinnerk decides to reinvent hurling again.

Reinvent hurling/introduce Gaelic football drills from 25 years ago


Would you ever wonder over to Cheddar and show him how its done. He could do with a bit of help

Cheddar captained Portlaoise football teams to county titles, heā€™s grand.

That one stung you though didnā€™t it

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Look on at the new moneyā€¦ā€¦

Donā€™t ever forget that not that long ago the likes of Offaly & Dublin were also turfing ye out of the Championship.

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