All Ireland Hurling Final 2020 Limerick v Waterford - the * All Ireland

The rest of us just had a pain in the hole.

Sorry about that pal.

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The closer it gets, the more relaxed I am. I have no doubt the Blas will throw the kitchen sink at us for spells of the game. But we’ve got this, we have enough in reserve.

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Enjoy it Waterford and Limerick forumites.

I know it’s unusual this year, but I always loved the week leading up to a final. Hopefully there is a nice buzz at the moment for ye all.


Anticipation building slowly now alright.

I won’t lie it’s a bit shit not being able to go. The scramble for tickets and the high jinks that surrounds that always adds to the build up.

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Doesn’t have a feel of an AI final at all really.


It dropped alarmingly seemingly.

What’s the problem?

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It might feel more like an All Ireland week if lads were allowed talk about it on the internet :man_shrugging:

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An alarming drop in blood pressure I’m guessing

It was high a minute ago?

I know a good doctor in Waterford if that’s any help.

It is very flat and the football will be even worse next week


At least the minor and U20 is kicking into gear again.

It was never going to if truth told but let’s make the most of it . The IC GAA shortened a grim winter .

I hate the week before. Drags for an enternity

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That’s it exactly. And it will be quickly forgotten about when the next season starts.

Next year can look after itself . Enjoy the weekend - imagine not having it .

It will indeed, and I will too. It’s not the same, but it’s still fuckin brilliant.

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