All Ireland Hurling Final 2024 - The Tony Kelly Final

Both Downeys have been good.

Not a chance.

That’s a big score from Horgan

Let them at it again.

What a score the goat

Stickmanship from kelly

Extra time to fuck

Omg O’Connor :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Horror miss there.

Downey dead now

What a miss Jesus

Is it not straight to replay?

Sars ffs. As bad as Midleton lads.

No extra time

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Shanagher has made the worst contribution to an AI ever


Not sure Clare will be fit for ET if we get it.

OMG Shanagher

Yes extra time.

Shanagher is a thick cunt like

Could be Hoggy’s Cillian O’Connor moment here