Allianz National Football League 2024

Actually any one of the three goals from any one of the three derry backs would have left that meath effort in the ha’penny place. Something the like of which has never been seen before is happening in Derry.

Stop would ya

I wonder will anyone keep within single figures of ye all year?

Imagine had they just attacked the ball instead of the fuckology?

We fear Louth. It just seems written that the wee county will rise up in righteous anger, andbate us in the final. It’s bad enough that we’re stuck with harte, but to be the focus of louth’s ire? The most ironing double whammy ever

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Watch out for Jimmy

I loved Jimmys attempt to lure Armagh and Derry into a false sense of security about their keepers. They’re dead, they just dont know it yet.

Anything is possible with those lunatics

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I believe Derry will sadly regress under Harte

We shall see. They may be as well toss Ulster and aim for run at the All Ireland series, but he’s hardly got the credit in the bank for that quite yet.

Harte works best with less time between matches. I’m not sure how the calender is set up with the newer system, but the backdoor seemed to give him incredible momentum,

I think there might be a momentary sweet spot while Rorys organisation is still bate into them and Harte loosening the shackles a bit.

There is no team without issues at the moment. Its there for the taking. But it’s there for lots of teams.

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Harte with Derry is basically a one season shot. He either wins it all in Year 1 with no hope of repeating or fails in Year 1 and walking away is the only sensible option.

Whereas Jimmy could win multiple All-Irelands with Donegal.

Im reliably informed that mickey has little or no part in the derry team- the whole thing was just a bit of a wind up

Mate, wait until he wins it for ye before you try writing him out of history like ye did with Eamon Coleman.

A great man stabbed in the back by his own people

Look at this fuckin nonsense. Someone has to say stop to all this shit:

Wicklow GAA leave reporters out in the cold as Echelon Park Aughrim press areas given over to backroom teams (

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Further evidence of how Aughrim is a tough place to go

I’ve never encountered an intercounty stats man who isn’t a stones

Johnny what are the GPS saying?

“We’re still shit”.


The GPS systems used to force Colm Boyle off just as he was flying in the Stephen Rochford era. Although one of them nearly blocked Dean Rock for a finish.

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