Allianz National Football League 2024

The association never minded

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Joe is seething

Derry were green enough at times though. Should have never given the ref a decision to make. Glass taking on the 45 when hes knackered as well. Should keep that in place and use time.

Super game of football. Derry’s inability to see it home when it matters catches them again, although Dublin got the benefit of a lot of refereeing decisions.

It all went to shit after the young lad went for goal instead of palming it over the bar.

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Ya terribe decision.

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Arsenal would win the league of they had a Con or Clifford

Yep but they should learn from these games.

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If Derry have the legs, there are goals to be had.

They needed to get a score from the one where Rodgers was unmarked in midfield from the kickout.

The same lads screeching conspiracy whether Dublin win, lose or draw. Fascinating to watch so it is.


Yeah don’t give the ref a chance to fuck you-as they love doing to Nordie teams

Who’s going to referee extra time, because I presume once Harte got his hands on Lane he wont be in any fit state to come back out.

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What makes you think that? Apart from the past half hour or so.

A lot of derry players looked absolutely wrecked.

Quelle surprise

The plain people of Ireland want a Kerry/Mayo or Kerry/Cork final pairing where Kerry will be 7 or 8 points up at halftime.

The astute observers knew what was coming.

Brian Fentons mileage starting to show today too.

Lane channeling his inner joe mcquillan

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