Allianz National Hurling League 2023

Really hope O’Flynn is ok

If it was a real match you’d be dissspointed that the momentum was halted by that long stoppage

Tis only an aul retired hurler lads

Coughlan ambling out with the ball there

Somebody get Aaron Costello a shovel.

Crazy free for Cork to give away there

Keeper did well there

Lehane is maddening.

How can they persist with him? Infuriating.

Wrong options, cul de sacs, balls droppong short, mis controls and then he does that.

The much-maligned Conor Leeee-hane pops up :grin:


Smashing point from Lehane.

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Cark Cark Cark


Great game this.

If there was a winning score off a Horgan turnover there the internet would have surely broken


Houlahan didn’t what that ball at all at all

Barrett should really have done better

This cork outfit won’t win the big one without him

Blow it up

Some game