Allianz National Hurling League 2023

Tipp have stopped running completely, not doing anything they did in the first half. Hit loads of aimless ball into TDB.

This is fiery stuff, great to watch.

Thereā€™s going to be the mother and father of all rows in this game yet.

If ever there was a man for the month of march it was Jason Forde

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Owens has lost complete control of this with his bollixology,

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Fuckin good shtuff, this

How did Dunford get yellow? Owens the poxy Gorey fool.

Proper fucking brimstone here.

Jaysus the cork boys would be in the dressing room a long time if they were involved here

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A grand dive there :rofl:

Iā€™d say if you were inside in the stadium, youā€™d be watching the off the ball more than the game itself. Last puck out, there was a hurley fucked away :rofl:

The bould Bomber. Iā€™ll let @peddlerscross fill you in

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This is glorious

Pfft, 3 scores in a row. No one wants to see that

Thereā€™s a red coming before the hour markā€¦


Jake again!

Awful goal to concede.

Lovely pickpocket

Fair play to Kehoe thete


Here we goā€¦

Blatant free out in fairness. Straight into the back.

Owens is a clown.

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There ye go