Allianz National Hurling League 2023

Thereā€™s lads walking around with 8 all Ireland medals getting called the same ā€¦

Yeah, so do we unfortunately. At the moment Iā€™d have them as marginal favourites.

The League Finalā€™s of 2013 and 2014 were brilliant games but I suppose the standard of hurler was just way higher back then.

Its just semi Rugby League now thanks to Kinnerk-ball and everyone else trying to copy it.

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Chin is quality, but not a brilliant freetaker.

Thereā€™s not many attacking players better under a high ball than Chin.

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Thatā€™ll help.

I canā€™t fathom the complaint.

Some matches matter, more donā€™t.

Deeper squads mean more rotation. Emerging teams go harder.

Nothing has changed

The bitterness will eat away at you. Let it all out


Hes not a top end free taker alright. He has changed his routine for the better, i highlighted on here a couple of years back about his terribly unorthodox stance which he has since corrected, but hes still not a dead eye free taker that you need. Our best free taker in Wexford is a stereotypical great club hurler but wouldnt have anywhere close the fitness levels of intercounty hurling. Was in the set up there for a while but has been dropped recently

My complaint is that everything is subservient to the Munster** championship, which is a great tournament, but if they dislodged that turd from the system, they could get rid of the league for summat with genuine championship sequelae.

** And Leinster to a lesser extent.

IC is given half a year almost, but manages to boil this whole six months down to two or tree meaningful games for most teams so it does. It also needs to be pushed back into August, first and second or third Sunday in August would be grand.
Also there should be no IC hurling allowed in temperatures below 18 degrees, unless itā€™s a biblical monsoon.

Joanne trying to manufacture a bit of outrage last night.

Harry loves a bit of manufactured outrage.

Its nothing to do with Limerick winning and Tipp not.

Tipp lost more than they won between 2008 and 2017 including the 2013 and 2014 League Finals but they were still great days and great matches.

Thereā€™d be some great passages of play with the ball up and down the field for a couple of minutes before going dead.

Now its just bish, bash, bosh, throw ball until someone shoots. Id say there must be 70 puckouts per game nowadays.

Yeah. I think hurling is fairly shite now.

Surely a few simple rules changes would help.

All full line players inside the 20 puck outs.

All puck outs must land between the 45s.

Same for football.

Let it in to fuck.

Muchas Gracias GIFs |

The little nod even fits in with muchas gracias.


Banville would be decent enough, no?

yeah he would alright, altho Iā€™d say Joe is a better striker of a ball, from distance anyway. Banville would want to be absolutely 100% to have him as a starter and be ā€œcarryingā€ him. Iā€™d still have him as good as the likes of Dunbar who is getting game time, so it wouldnt be that much of a stretch to have him starting.

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I know of no one in Kilkenny, even among the eejits, who does not think, rightly, Lee Chin is a tremendous hurler. He would get on pretty much any hurling team in history (and would likely get in ahead of Darragh Oā€™Donovan on the current Limerick team).


He was on the fringes in 2013 but itā€™s mad he didnā€™t win one in 2018. He was their talisman that year. Edit: Thought ye were talking about Duggan there not Forde.