American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

@Enrique, @maroonandwhite and @Tierneevin1979 nod their heads like donkeys.

Doors falling off planes in the middle of the sky, ships crashing into bridges, doctors chopping off body parts of kids… one cause as some deranged poster above rightly points out … DEI


It’s mad now that no matter what evidence comes out there’s a percentage of people that won’t believe it.

It’s a crazy world we live in now.

No barry and big mike obama planned it

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If you look closely at the video you can see the ship doesn’t actually touch the bridge and see the small explosive that in fact took the bridge. The ship was set up.

I was gonna axe her for her panties so i could make some soup with them.

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The six that are missing are workers who were repairing potholes on the bridge, poor sods didn’t get off in time

Nice touch by Prime Time to have a Captain Bird’s Eye style captain on here to provide analysis.

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Back and to the left

This stable genius has solved it. CASE CLOSED.

Robbed from Tweeter.

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The bridge never stood a chance

What in the fuck?!

That poor mother bawling. Be hard to square how you birthed and rared a fucking monster like that


A complete wrong one altogether.

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Touch of this cunt off him

download (3)

Textbook psychopath, zero empathy and almost amusement in his recollection of the event.

Probably big into gaming /online