American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

95% of mass shootings are carried out by men. The only conclusion to draw is that women don’t suffer from mental illness are draining healthcare resources under false pretences.

If it was 95% women doing it you can be guaranteed they’d have restricted their access to guns by now.

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You mean they haven’t :open_mouth:

Of course it isn’t, planning the cold blooded murder of as many of your fellow humans as possible, and then carrying it out, is perfectly normal behavior.

You seem to be losing touch with reality Kev.

Do you own a gun mate?

In keeping with TFK tradition mate, I have an arsenal of pretend guns.

Are you mentally ill?

Pretend mentally ill mate, like everyone here.


I don’t think most of the guys on here are pretending.

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How come only mentally ill men are carrying out these shootings as WTB has pointed out?

That’s a very good question. I don’t think mental illness is a new thing, or guns, so why are we seeing this surge in extreme violence among young males?

My theory, backed up by research, is it is SSRIs and other psychotics which may help most of the patients they are prescribed to, but are known to be associated with suicide and violence in some people. Fundamentally these type of mass killings are suicides as almost all of them end up killing themselves, but the perpetrators want to take out as many people as they can as well. This latest lad is a bit of an exception, as instead of killing himself, he went for a McDonalds.

We have been pumping SSRIs into kids since the 1980s, time to take a serious look at the side effects.

There are obviously other factors as well.

White, right-wing, male extremism is the primary cause of these massacres.

It fetishises the idea of the unreconstructed alpha male and has a comic book idea of masculinity in which the gun serves as a substitute for a penis. At the heart of it all is the culture of imagined victimhood. The cult of white, male victimhood is a major industry in the US, which long ago crossed into the mainstream and promotes and thrives on inadequacy and low self-esteem, and has numerous followers on this forum.

Which I guess actually does tie into mental illness because you have to be mentally ill to believe any of that sort of extreme far right crap that has such a market in the US.


I’ve just seen Trump’s tweet — what a seriously twisted sick bastard. American’s are seriously willing to let him to continue to be their president?

What did he say, bro?

Blamed the kids in the school and the shooter’s neighbours for the shooting - He had mental problems and they should have reported it…

Yeah as I said yesterday this will be the narrative. What would’ve happened even if they did report him?

Not a good day for the FBI…


That’s an offft.