Annoying Office Jargon - Part III

Looks unreal

Who better to mine 80’s pop culture than the game changer himself.

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“we need more bandwidth within the timeline without sacrificing output”

From inboxing to thought showers: how business bullshit took over


I’ve just read something which mentioned a company founder “bootstrapping his business”.

Should I know what this means?

I’ve just googled the above mentioned wanky term and it’s something I should have been familiar with. Damn you, work jargon.

Pulled himself up by his bootstraps. A gravity defying feat

You essentially bootstrapped the learning process w.r.t. bootstrapping there.

The Happy Path :thinking:

‘‘Lets take this on the Happy Path and work from there’’

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Of course you should being a bidnessman

Having intentionality

As in have you any intentionality of getting a job?

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No, looking for a job with intentionality

Deep dive

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We are not kicking for touch anymore lads we are using our extensive playbook.

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My boss told me today that he was going to “push my shit in” at the Xmas party tomorrow night. That’s a new one for me.


Mate, I think you’re gonna get very lucky tomorrow night. Maybe get a bleaching done in advance.

He must know you’re a rugby football fan.

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